Exploring Phylogenetic Relationships between Hundreds of Plant Fatty Acids Synthesized by Thousands of Plants.
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Bedi, K. L.; Kapahi, B. K.; Sarin, Y. K. | 1988 | Kamala seed oil - problems and prospects of commercial utilization | Journal of the Oil Technologists' Association of India (Mumbai, India) (1988) | 20 | 53-5 | CFTRI:10383 | 7 | ||
Begum, G. A.; Mahmuda, Khatun; Rahman, M. A.; Mian, A. J. | 1989 | Studies on betel-nut ( Areca catechu): composition and fatty acids constituents | Bangladesh Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research | 24 | 146-154 | CABI:19910306287 | 5 | ||
BEI Zhan-lin; ZHANG Xin; CAO Jun-mai; LEI Qian; REN Xian | 2011 | 毛乌素沙地牛心朴子种子中脂肪酸成分的GC_MS分析_贝盏临 . Analysis on Fatty Acids Composition of Maowusu Desert Cynanchum komarovii Al.by GC-MS | SEED | 30(6) | 24-26 | 10.3969/j.issn.1001-4705.2011.06.007 | NWSUAF468 | 10 | |
Bekaert, A.; Delage, V.; Andrieux, J.; Plat, M. | 1987 | STUDY OF LIPID FRACTION OF SEEDS OF ACTINIDIA-CHINENSIS (PLANCH) DILLENIACEES OR KIWI | Revue Francaise Des Corps Gras | 34 | 463-464 | WOS:A1987L565200003 | 6 | ||
Bekker, N. P.; Ul'chenko, N. T.; Glushenkova, A. I. | 2001 | Physicochemical properties and composition of lipids from Capsicum annuum seeds | Chemistry of Natural Compounds | 37 | 131-133 | 10.1023/A:1012370601333 | WOS:000172709100005 | 8 | |
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Bertoni, M. H.; Gonzales, A. P.; Cattaneo, P. | 1994 | FRUITS OF CUCURBITA-MOSCHATA DUCH .2. CHARACTERISTICS AND ACIDIC COMPOSITION OF THE EXTRACTED CRUDE SEEDOIL | Anales De La Asociacion Quimica Argentina | 82 | 131-133 | WOS:A1994NZ04800008 | 9 | ||
Bertoni, M. H.; Sanchez, M. A.; Cattaneo, P. | 1990 | CHEMICAL-COMPOSITION OF THE PULP, SEED AND SEED OIL OF RIPE FRUITS OF CYPHOMANDRA-BETACEA (CAV) SENDT (SOLANACEAE) | Anales De La Asociacion Quimica Argentina | 78 | 359-364 | WOS:A1990FL66100006 | 7 | ||
BERTRAND MATTHAUS; MEHMET MUSA ÖZCAN | 2013 | Fatty Acid, Tocopherol and Sterol Contents of Forest Pine Seed Oil | Asian Journal of Chemistry | 25 | 9845-9847 | 10.14233/ajchem.2013.15503 | 11 | ||
Besbes, S.; Blecker, C.; Deroanne, C.; Drira, N. E.; Attia, H. | 2004 | Date seeds: Chemical composition and characteristic profiles of the lipid fraction | Food Chemistry | 84 | 577-584 | 10.1016/S0308-8146(03)00281-4 | None | 22 | |
Besbes, S.; Blecker, C.; Deroanne, C.; Lognay, G.; Drira, N. E.; Attia, H. | 2005 | Heating effects on some quality characteristics of date seed oil | Food Chemistry | 91 | 469-476 | 10.1016/j.foodchem.2004.04.037 | None | 10 | |
Betiku, Eriola; Akintunde, Aramide Mistura; Ojumu, Tunde Victor | 2016 | Banana peels as a biobase catalyst for fatty acid methyl esters production using Napoleon's plume (Bauhinia monandra) seed oil: A process parameters optimization study | Energy | 103 | 797-806 | 10.1016/j.energy.2016.02.138 | 9 | ||
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