Exploring Phylogenetic Relationships between Hundreds of Plant Fatty Acids Synthesized by Thousands of Plants. more details ...

Delta notation: 18:3

Other Names: structure ambiguous

Formula: C18H30O2

Mass: 278.22

Octadecatrienoic acid
Structure drawn at OPSIN (opsin.ch.cam.uk)

External Database IDs:
CAS registry:
SOFA Mol: M_089
Lipid Maps: ambiguous






Displaying datapoints 1201 - 1250 of 3000 in total
PlantSort off PublicationSort off ValueSort off UnitSort off
Acacia modesta Chemical composition of acacia seeds Banerji, R.; Chowdhury, A. R.; Misra, G.; Nigam, S. K. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1988) 65 1959-1960 6.9 GLC-Area-%
Ipomoea muricata STUDIES ON HERBACEOUS SEED OILS .11 Nasirullah,; Siddigi, S. F.; Ahmad, F.; Ansari, A. A.; Osman, S. M. Fette Seifen Anstrichmittel (1980) 82 241-243 6.9 GLC-Area-%
Lesquerella auriculata Tetra-acid triglycerides containing a new hydroxy eicosadienoyl moiety in Lesquerella auriculata seed oil Kleiman, R.; Spencer, G. F.; Earle, F. R.; Nieschlag, H. J.; Barclay, A. S. Lipids (1972) 7 660-665 6.9 GLC-Area-%
Erysimum perofskianum CHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION AND ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF SOME SEED OILS OF CRUCIFERAE FAMILY Akhtar, K. A.; Bokadia, M. M.; Mehta, B. K.; Batra, K. A. Grasas Y Aceites (1986) 37 148-151 6.9 GLC-Area-%
Citrus ? A Study on some Egyptian Citrus Seed Oils Dr. Abdel-Hamid Youssef Abdel-Rahaman Grasas y Aceites (1980) 31 331 6.8 GLC-Area-%
Secale cereale Lipids of seven cereal grains Price, P. B.; Parsons, J. G. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society (1975) 52 490-493 6.8 GLC-Area-%
Teesdalia nudicaulis Lipids in Cruciferae: VIII. The fatty acid composition of seeds of some wild or partially domesticated species Appelqvist, L. -A. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society (1971,11) 48 740-744 6.8 GLC-Area-%
Persea gratissima Phosphilipids in several vegetable oils Alter, M.; Gutfinger, T. Rivista Italiana delle Sostanze Grasse (1982) 59 14-18 6.8 GLC-Area-%
Sesbania sesban Fatty acid composition of yellow- and violet-flowered sesbania sesban seeds Kapoor, V. K.; Chawla, A. S.; Jindal, O. P. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1979) 56 904-905 6.7 GLC-Area-%
Hordeum vulgare Lipids of six cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) varieties Price, P. B.; Parsons, J. G. Lipids (1974) 9 560-566 6.7 GLC-Area-%
Aglaia odoratissima Fatty acid composition of seed oils of the meliaceae, including one genus rich in cis-vaccenic acid Kleiman, R.; Payne-Wahl, K. L. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1984) 61 1836-1838 6.7 GLC-Area-%
Citrus aurantium A Study on some Egyptian Citrus Seed Oils Dr. Abdel-Hamid Youssef Abdel-Rahaman Grasas y Aceites (1980) 31 331 6.6 GLC-Area-%
Vicia faba Lipids in dried Moroccan Leguminosae seeds; a comparative study of 4 extraction methods Wan Pee, W.; Boni, L.; Peeters, P.; Amine, M.; Hendrikx, H. Rivista Italiana delle Sostanze Grasse (1979) 56 293-296 6.6 GLC-Area-%
Citrus maxima A study on some Egyptian citrus seed oils Abdel-Rahaman, A. H. Y. Grasas y Aceites (1980) 31 331-333 6.6 GLC-Area-%
Argyreia cuneata Unusual fatty acids in Argyreia cuneata seed oil Daulatabad Chirag Mahmood, Jehan D. et al. Chem. and Ind. (London) (1987) 19 695-696 6.6 GLC-Area-%
Stachys sylvatica Search for new industrial oils. XIV. Seed oils of labiatae Hagemann, J. M.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Barclay, A. S. Lipids (1967) 2 371-380 6.6 GLC-Area-%
Corydalis cava Fatty acid composition of seeds of the papaveraceae and fumariaceae Marin, P.; Sajdl, V.; Kapor, S.; Tatic, B. Phytochemistry (1989) 28 133-137 6.6 GLC-Area-%
Nymphaea stellata Further investigations on leguminosae seed oils Averna, V.; Lotti, G.; Tartaglia, F. P. Rivista Italiana delle Sostanze Grasse (1969) 46 602-06 6.6 GLC-Area-%
Bromus ? Nutrients in grass seeds: I. Fatty acids in grass seed lipids Lambertsen, Georg; Andresen, J. A. N.; Braekkan, Olaf R. Acta Agr Scand (1966) 16 213-216 6.6 GLC-Area-%
Sesbania sesban Fatty acid composition of yellow- and violet-flowered sesbania sesban seeds Kapoor, V. K.; Chawla, A. S.; Jindal, O. P. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1979) 56 904-905 6.5 GLC-Area-%
Citrus sinensis A Study on some Egyptian Citrus Seed Oils Dr. Abdel-Hamid Youssef Abdel-Rahaman Grasas y Aceites (1980) 31 331 6.5 GLC-Area-%
Citrus reticulata A Study on some Egyptian Citrus Seed Oils Dr. Abdel-Hamid Youssef Abdel-Rahaman Grasas y Aceites (1980) 31 331 6.5 GLC-Area-%
Brassica nigra The chemical constitution of natural fats Hilditch, T. The chemical constitution of natural fats. (1956) xix + 664 pp.-xix + 664 pp. 6.5 GLC-Area-%
Zilla spinosa PHYTOCHEMICAL STUDY OF ZILLA SPINOSA (TURRA) PRANTL GENERAL ANALYSIS - CARBOHYDRATES AND LIPIDS Karawya, M. S.; Wassel, G. M.; Elmensha.Bs, Pharmazie (1974) 29 60-61 6.5 GLC-Area-%
Hippomarathrum microcarpum Search for new industrial oils: XVI. Umbelliflorae-seed oils rich in petroselinic acid Kleiman, R.; Spencer, G. F. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1982) 59 29-38 6.5 GLC-Area-%
Citrus sinensis Chemical evaluation of egyptian citrus seeds as potential sources of vegetable oils Habib, M. A.; Hammam, M. A.; Sakr, A. A.; Ashoush, Y. A. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1986) 63 1192-1196 6.5 GLC-Area-%
Embelia ribes STUDIES ON MINOR SEED OILS .11 Ahmad, R.; Ahmad, I.; Mannan, A.; Ahmad, F.; Osman, S. M. Fette Seifen Anstrichmittel (1986) 88 147-148 6.5 GLC-Area-%
Evolvulus alsinoides MINOR SEED OILS .19. EXAMINATION OF CONVOLVULACEAE SEED OILS Badami, R. C.; Thakkar, J. Fette Seifen Anstrichmittel (1984) 86 203-204 6.5 GLC-Area-%
Citrus maxima A study on some Egyptian citrus seed oils Abdel-Rahaman, A. H. Y. Grasas y Aceites (1980) 31 331-333 6.4 GLC-Area-%
Asimina triloba Lipids of the pawpaw fruit: Asimina triloba Wood, R.; Peterson, S. Lipids (1999) 34 1099-1106 6.4 GLC-Area-%
Eucalyptus kirtoniana CHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF EUCALYPTUS-KIRTONIANA SEED OIL Mandal, B.; Roy, B.; Majumdar, S. G.; Maity, C. R. Journal of the Indian Chemical Society (1986) 63 228-229 6.4 GLC-Area-%
Hordeum vulgare Lipids of six cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) varieties Price, P. B.; Parsons, J. G. Lipids (1974) 9 560-566 6.4 GLC-Area-%
Pithecellobium dulce Studies on Pithecellobrium dulce seed oil Banergee, A; Jain, M Fitoterapia (1988) 59 405 6.4 GLC-Area-%
Melilotus indica STUDIES ON LEGUMINOUS SEEDS .3 Chowdhury, A. R.; Banerji, R.; Tiwari, S. R.; Misra, G.; Nigam, S. K. Fette Seifen Anstrichmittel (1986) 88 144-146 6.3 GLC-Area-%
Emmenosperma pancherianum The fatty acid composition of seed oils from ten plant families with particular reference to cyclopropene and dihydrosterculic acids Vickery, J. R. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1980) 57 87-91 6.3 GLC-Area-%
Salvia hispanica Chia seeds as a source of natural lipid antioxidants Taga, M. S.; Miller, E. E.; Pratt, D. E. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1984) 61 928-931 6.3 GLC-Area-%
Nelumbium speciosum The composition of the oil of Nelumbium speciosum Wild Seeds Gangrade; H.H. Kaushal; R. Acta Ciencia Indica, Chemistry (1982) 8 38-40 6.2 GLC-Area-%
Ipomoea pilosa STUDIES ON HERBACEOUS SEED OILS-V Ahmad, M. S.; Ahmad, M. U.; Ansari, A. A.; Osman, S. M. Fette Seifen Anstrichmittel (1978) 80 353-354 6.2 GLC-Area-%
Hordeum vulgare Lipids of six cultivated barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) varieties Price, P. B.; Parsons, J. G. Lipids (1974) 9 560-566 6.2 GLC-Area-%
Amelanchier canadensis Lipid composition of Evonimus japonicus L., Piracantha coccinea L. and Amelanchier cannadensis L. seed oils Zlatanov, M.; Vazvazova, P. Grasas Y Aceites (1999) 50 351-354 6.2 GLC-Area-%
Carum copticum DISTRIBUTION OF FATTX AClDS IN THE TRIGLYCERIDES OF CAROM CAPTICOM Ahmad, I. Raie, M. Y. Akhtar, M. W. Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences (1992) 29 203-211 6.2 GLC-Area-%
Plantago major A NEW HYDROXYOLEFINIC ACID FROM PLANTAGO-MAJOR SEED OIL Ahmad, M. S.; Ahmad, M. U.; Osman, S. M. Phytochemistry (1980) 19 2137-2139 6.1 GLC-Area-%
Cicer songaricum FATTY-ACID COMPOSITION OF CICER-SOONGARICUM STEPH SEED OIL Katiyar, S. K.; Bhatia, A. K. Journal of the Indian Chemical Society (1986) 63 447-448 6.1 GLC-Area-%
Hordeum vulgare Oil content and fatty acid composition of some varieties of barley and sorghum grains Osman, R. O.; El-Gelil, F. M. Abd; El-Noamany, H. M.; Dawood, M. G. Grasas y Aceites (2000,6,30) 51 6.06 GLC-Area-%
Citrus maxima TRIGLYCERIDE FATTY ACIDS OF ARIZONA GRAPEFRUIT SEED OIL TELES, F. F. FEITOSA; WHITING, F. M.; BROWN, W. H.; STULL, J. W. Journal of Food Science (1972,3) 37 331-332 6.0 GLC-Area-%
Sapindus mukorossi Eicosenoic acid and other fatty acids of Sapindaceae seed oils Hopkins, C. Y.; Swingle, R. Lipids (1967) 2 258-260 6.0 GLC-Area-%
Crambe abyssinica Vulcanized meadowfoam oil Erhan, S. M.; Kleiman, R. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1990) 67 670-674 6.0 GLC-Area-%
Alliaria petiolata Chemotaxonomic value of tocopherols in Brassicaceae Goffman, F. D.; Thies, W.; Velasco, L. Phytochemistry (1999) 50 793-798 6.0 GLC-Area-%
Entandrophragma cylindricum Fatty acid composition of seed oils of the meliaceae, including one genus rich in cis-vaccenic acid Kleiman, R.; Payne-Wahl, K. L. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1984) 61 1836-1838 6.0 GLC-Area-%
Croton fragilis Search for new industrial oils. XII. Fifty-eight euphorbiaceae oils, including one rich in vernolic acid Kleiman, R.; Smith Jr, C. R.; Yates, S. G.; Jones, Q. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1965) 42 169-172 6.0 GLC-Area-%