Exploring Phylogenetic Relationships between Hundreds of Plant Fatty Acids Synthesized by Thousands of Plants. more details ...

Delta notation: 20:0

Other Names: Arachic acid; Arachidic acid; Icosanoic acid; NSC 93983; n-Eicosanic acid; n-Eicosanoic acid

Formula: C20 H40 O2

Mass: 312.53

IUPAC name: icosanoic acid

Eicosanoic acid
Structure drawn at OPSIN (opsin.ch.cam.uk)

External Database IDs:
CAS registry: 506-30-9
SOFA Mol: M_119
Lipid Maps: LMFA01010020
PubChem: 10467

inchi: InChI=1/C20H40O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20(21)22/h2-19H2,1H3,(H,21,22)/f/h21H

stdinchi: InChI=1S/C20H40O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20(21)22/h2-19H2,1H3,(H,21,22)




Displaying datapoints 1601 - 1650 of 5933 in total
PlantSort off PublicationSort off ValueSort off UnitSort off
Clematis subpeltata Survey of seed oils for use as diesel fuels Kalayasiri, P.; Jeyashoke, N.; Krisnangkura, K. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society (1996) 73 471-474 1.3 GLC-Area-%
Nuytsia floribunda Unpublished Aitzetmueller, K. unpublished results (1999) 1.3 GLC-Area-%
Ipomoea pileata Fatty acid composition and characteristics of Ipomoea pileata seed oil Tiwari, H. P.; Mishra, Mridula; Gupta, P. C. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India, Section A: Physical Sciences (1994) 64 529-30 1.3 GLC-Area-%
Cordia cochinchinensis Gagnep. 中国油脂植物 Chinese Oil Plants Jia Liangzhi; Zhou Jun Book: Chinese Oil Plants. Beijing: Science Press: Edited by Jia Liangzhi & Zhou Jun (1987) 1.3 weight-%
Hepatica nobilis Unpublished unpublished results MRI FSME Manhart, Wien (1997) 1.3 GLC-Area-%
Bauhinia purpurea COMPONENT ACIDS OF BAUHINIA SEED OILS Badami, R. C.; Daulatab.Cd, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (1969) 20 99-& 1.3 GLC-Area-%
Centratherum anthelminticum CENTRATHERUM ANTHELMINTICUM - IDENTIFICATION OF THE FATTY-ACID COMPOSITION AND ANTI-MICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF THE OIL Batra, A.; Mehta, B. K.; Bokadia, M. M. Fette Seifen Anstrichmittel (1983) 85 230-232 1.3 GLC-Area-%
Citrus paradisi Book: Manual of Gas-liquid Chromatography of Organic Acids (in Russian) Gorjaev, M. I. Evdakova, N. A. Book: Spravočnik po gazožidkostnoj chromatografii organičeskich kislot (1977) Nauka Alma-Ata None 1.3 GLC-Area-%
Punica granatum TOTAL LIPIDS CONTENT AND FATTY-ACID COMPOSITION OF SEED OILS FROM 6 POMEGRANATE CULTIVARS Melgarejo, P.; Salazar, D. M.; Amoros, A.; Artes, F. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (1995) 69 253-256 1.3 GLC-Area-%
Ricinus communis L. 河南油脂植物 Oil Plants in Henan Junpu Zhang, J. L., and Huaishan W. Book: China’s International Broadcasting Press. (1996) 1.3 weight-%
Vicia peregrina Compositions of seed fatty acids in some ViciaL. taxa from Turkey Emre, İrfan; Şahin, Ahmet; Yilmaz, Ökkeş; Genç, Hasan; Bahşi, Muammer Acta Botanica Gallica (2011) 158 493-498 1.3 weight-%
Acacia catechu Chemical composition of acacia seeds Chowdhury, A. R.; Banerji, R.; Misra, G.; Nigam, S. K. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1983) 60 1893-1894 1.3 GLC-Area-%
Linum dolomiticum Lupin seed fats Favini, G.; Domenichini, M.; Fedeli, E. Rivista Italiana delle Sostanze Grasse (1980) 57 27-30 1.3 GLC-Area-%
Heimia salicifolia Seed lipids of the lythraceae Graham, S. A.; Kleiman, R. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology (1987) 15 433-439 1.3 GLC-Area-%
Arachis hypogaea L. 四川油脂植物 Oil Plants in Sichuan. Zongying He, S. C., Zhonghui, T., Xun, Z., Longji, H. Book: Published by Sichuan Science and Technology Press, Chengdu, 1987 (1987) 1.3 weight-%
Cassia kleinii FATTY-ACID COMPOSITION AND CHARACTERISTICS OF CASSIA-KLEINII SEED OIL Tiwari, H. P.; Misra, M. Journal of the Indian Chemical Society (1993) 70 781-782 1.3 GLC-Area-%
Bauhinia purpurea COMPONENT ACIDS OF BAUHINIA SEED OILS Badami, R. C.; Daulatab.Cd, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (1969) 20 99-& 1.3 GLC-Area-%
Capsella bursa-pastoris LIPID-CONTENT AND FATTY-ACID COMPOSITION OF SEEDS OF CAPSELLA SPECIES FROM DIFFERENT GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATIONS Mukherjee, K. D.; Kiewitt, I.; Hurka, H. Phytochemistry (1984) 23 117-119 1.3 GLC-Area-%
Portulaca oleracea Fatty acids and β-carotene in Australian purslane (Portulaca oleracea) varieties Liu, Lixia; Howe, Peter; Zhou, Ye-Fang; Xu, Zhi-Qiang; Hocart, Charles; Zhang, Ren Journal of Chromatography A (2000,9) 893 207-213 1.3 GLC-Area-%
Ipomoea coccinea Fatty acid composition of morning glory seed oil Sahasrabudhe, M. R.; Genest, K. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society (1965) 42 814-814 1.3 GLC-Area-%
Taxus chinensis var. mairei (Lemée & H. Lév.) W.C. Cheng & L.K. Fu 南方红豆杉种子的化学成分分析 . ANALYSIS OF CHEMICAL COMPOSITION IN THE SEED OF TAXUS CHINENSIS VAR. MAIREI Ruzhu Huang; Xingtian Fang; Xiangquan Guo; Kehui Zheng; Lixian Luo CHINESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED & ENVIRONMENTAL BIOLOGY (2002) 8(4) 392-394 1.3 weight-%
Melilotus officinalis The oil of the seeds ofRobinia pseudacacia andMelilotus officinalis Akramova, A. S.; Umarov, A. U.; Markman, A. L. Chemistry of Natural Compounds (1968,9) 4 265-265 1.3 GLC-Area-%
Stylobasium spathulatum Unpublished Aitzetmueller, K. unpublished results (1999) 1.3 GLC-Area-%
Vicia narbonensis Compositions of seed fatty acids in some ViciaL. taxa from Turkey Emre, İrfan; Şahin, Ahmet; Yilmaz, Ökkeş; Genç, Hasan; Bahşi, Muammer Acta Botanica Gallica (2011) 158 493-498 1.3 weight-%
Crescentia cujete Survey of seed oils for use as diesel fuels Kalayasiri, P.; Jeyashoke, N.; Krisnangkura, K. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society (1996) 73 471-474 1.3 GLC-Area-%
Dioscorea oppositifolia COMPONENT FATTY-ACIDS OF SOME INDIAN SEED OILS Daulatabad, C. D.; Ankalgi, R. F. Fette Seifen Anstrichmittel (1983) 85 404-406 1.3 GLC-Area-%
Schizonepeta tenuifolia Briq. 不同溶剂提取条件下金樱子种子油脂肪酸的GC_MS测定_陈青 . Analysis of fatty acids in the seed oil of Rosa laevigata Michx with different solvent extraction methods by GC-MS CHEN Qing; LI Zhu; SUN Mei; LI Pei-ying; LUO Jiang-hong Guangdong Agricultural Sciences (2012) 39(3) 112-114 1.3 weight-%
Cassia tora STEROLS AND FATTY-ACIDS OF 2 CAESALPINIACEAE Miralles, J.; Diallo, N.; Gaydou, E.; Kornprobst, J. M. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society (1989) 66 1321-1322 1.3 GLC-Area-%
Capsella bursa-pastoris LIPID-CONTENT AND FATTY-ACID COMPOSITION OF SEEDS OF CAPSELLA SPECIES FROM DIFFERENT GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATIONS Mukherjee, K. D.; Kiewitt, I.; Hurka, H. Phytochemistry (1984) 23 117-119 1.3 GLC-Area-%
Leucas sebaldiana Fatty acid profiling and multivariate analysis in the genus Leucas reveals its nutritional, pharmaceutical and chemotaxonomic significance Choudhary, Ashish Kumar; Sunojkumar, P.; Mishra, Girish Phytochemistry (2017) 143 72-80 1.29 weight-%
Cupressus funebris Private communication Wolff, R. L. Private communication (1999) 1.29 GLC-Area-%
Anisothecium spirale (Mitt.) Broth.-Moss High Content of Dicranin in Anisothecium spirale (Mitt.) Broth., a Moss from Eastern Himalayas and Its Chemotaxonomic Significance Mitra, Souvik Lipids (2017) 52 173-178 1.29 weight-%
Mangifera indica Zihua Characteristics of Mango Kernel Fats Extracted from 11 China-Specific Varieties and Their Typically Fractionated Fractions Jin, Jun; Warda, Pembe; Mu, Hongyan; Zhang, Youfeng; Jie, Liang; Mao, Jiahui; Xie, Dan; Huang, Jianhua; Jin, Qingzhe; Wang, Xingguo Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (2016) 93 1115-1125 1.28 weight-%
Crataegus pinnatifida Bunge 蔷薇科10种野生植物籽油脂肪酸研究_罗湘宁 . Content of Fatty Acids in Seed Oil of 10 Wild Plants friom Rosacea Luo Xiangning; An Chengxi; Yang Xuqi Journal of Qinghai Normal University (Natural Science) (1997) (4) 40-43 1.28 weight-%
Pyrus bretschneideri Rehder 气相色谱法同时测量瓜萎仁中五种主要脂肪酸含量 . Determination of Five Main Fatty Acids in Trichosanthes kirilowii Maxim. by Gas Chromatography Hang Yin; Wenqin Lu GUIZHOU MEDICAL JOURNAL (2007) 31(3) 266-267 1.28 weight-%
Calendula officinalis Bon-Bon Mix Fatty acid composition of lipids in pot marigold (Calendula officinalis L.) seed genotypes Dulf, Francisc V; Pamfil, Doru; Baciu, Adriana D; Pintea, Adela Chemistry Central Journal (2013) 7 8 1.28 weight-%
Raphanus sativus FA and tocopherol composition of Vietnamese oilseeds Matthaus, Bertrand; Vosmann, Klaus; Pham, Long Quoc; Aitzetmüller, Kurt Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (2003) 80 1013-1020 1.27 GLC-Area-%
Annona squamosa L. 番木瓜种子油提取方法及成分的研究-柷红(GC-MS) . Study on the Extraction Method and Constituents of Papaw Seed Oil H Zhu; L Zhu; MH Ye Journal of Chinese Medicinal Materials (2007) 30(7) 857-860 1.27 weight-%
Rosa rugosa Thunb. 玫瑰果实脂肪酸成分的GC_MS分析_闫杏莲 . Analysis of Fatty Acids from Fruit of Rosa Rugosa Thunb by GC-MS YAN Xing-lian; WANG Jin-mei; LI Chang-qin  Ludong University Journal(Natural Science Edition) (2011) 3(3) 258-260 1.26 weight-%
Achillea phrygia TOTAL LIPID CONTENT AND FATTY ACID COMPOSITION OF SEEDS OF SOME WILD Achillea SPECIES Nuray Zonuz, Nukhet Akpinar, Erol Donmez, Gokhan Zengin, Ali Emre Akpinar, Mehmet Ali Akpinar Chemistry of Natural Compounds (2019) 55 1127-1130 1.26 weight-%
Arachis hypogaea Experience on the investigation of nutrition fats and oils received from trade - part 2. Klein, H. Ernahrung (1999) 23 496-504 1.25 GLC-Area-%
Suaeda salsa (L.) Pall. 3种碱蓬属植物种子含油量及其脂肪酸组成研究_于海芹 . Fat Contents and Fatty Acid Composition in the Seeds of Three species of Suaeda H Yu; T Zhang; C Wei,Z Li Acta Botanica Boreali-occidentalia Sinica (2005) 25(10) 2077-2082 1.25 weight-%
Leucas eriostoma Fatty acid profiling and multivariate analysis in the genus Leucas reveals its nutritional, pharmaceutical and chemotaxonomic significance Choudhary, Ashish Kumar; Sunojkumar, P.; Mishra, Girish Phytochemistry (2017) 143 72-80 1.24 weight-%
Schizonepeta tenuifolia Briq. 小葵子油的分析 . Analysis of Guizotia abyssinica (L.f.) Cass. oil Institute of plant oil group in yunnan province Plant Diversity (1976) (1) 31-32 1.24 weight-%
Leonurus artemisia (Lour.) S.Y. Hu 山东月见草调查研究 GC . Investigation of Oenothera biennis L. in Shandong Province Bihua Li; Pichan Sun; Shangjun Xing Journal of Shandong Forestry Science and Technology (1989) (2) 64-67 1.24 weight-%
Arachis hypogaea ISOMERIC MONOENOIC ACIDS IN VEGETABLE-OILS Seher, A.; Gundlach, U. Fette Seifen Anstrichmittel (1982) 84 342-349 1.23 GLC-Area-%
Agriophyllum squarrosum (L.) Moq. 阿拉善地区5种荒漠植物种子营养成分研究GC-MS . Study on Nutrient Composition of Five Desert Plant Seeds in Alashan league MAO Zhuxin; FU Hua; NIU Decao; CHU Bingquan; CHEN Hao Seed (2015) 34(8) 39-42 1.23 weight-%
Datura stramonium L. 曼陀罗种子油脂肪酸化学成分研究_张宏利 . Fatty Acid Components in the Oil from Seeds of Datura stramonium L. ZHANG Hong-li; HAN Chong-xuan; WANG Ming-chun; YANG Qing-er  ACTA BOTANICA BOREALI-OCCIDENTALIA SINICA (2008) 28(12) 2538-2542 1.22 weight-%