Exploring Phylogenetic Relationships between Hundreds of Plant Fatty Acids Synthesized by Thousands of Plants. more details ...

Delta notation: 18:2

Other Names: structure ambiguous

Formula: C18H32O2

Mass: 280.24

Octadecadienoic acid
Structure drawn at OPSIN (opsin.ch.cam.uk)

External Database IDs:
CAS registry:
SOFA Mol: M_072
Lipid Maps: ambiguous






Displaying datapoints 1501 - 1550 of 4327 in total
PlantSort off PublicationSort off ValueSort off UnitSort off
Ceiba pentandra The Characteristics of the Kapok (Ceiba pentadra, Gaertn.) Seed Oil Berry; S.K. Pertanika (1979) 2 1 38.9 GLC-Area-%
Dactylis glomerata Nutrients in grass seeds: I. Fatty acids in grass seed lipids Lambertsen, Georg; Andresen, J. A. N.; Braekkan, Olaf R. Acta Agr Scand (1966) 16 213-216 38.9 GLC-Area-%
Acacia farnesiana COMPOSITION OF TOTAL LIPIDS FROM ACACIA-ARABICA AND ACACIA-FARNESIANA SEED OILS Zaka, S.; Asghar, B.; Raie, M. Y.; Khan, S. A.; Bhatty, M. K. Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research (1986) 29 427-429 38.9 GLC-Area-%
Plantago media Chemical Composition of Some Plantago Species Seed Oil Swiatek, L. Herba Pol. (1980) 26 213 38.8 GLC-Area-%
Sesamum indicum Seed composition of some new varieties of sesame Daxa, Amin; Kothari, I. L. Journal of the Oil Technologists' Association of India (1989) 21 15-16 38.8 GLC-Area-%
Glycine latrobeana Chromosome number, oil and fatty acid content of species in the genus Glycine subgenus Glycine Chaven, C.; Hymowitz, T.; Newell, C. A. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1982) 59 23-25 38.8 GLC-Area-%
Rheum palmatum Analytical characterization of new seed oils Lotti, G.; Paradossi, C.; Marchini, F. Rivista della Societa Italiana di Scienza dell'Alimentazione (1985) 14 263-270 38.78 GLC-Area-%
Aralia hispida Search for new industrial oils: XVI. Umbelliflorae-seed oils rich in petroselinic acid Kleiman, R.; Spencer, G. F. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1982) 59 29-38 38.7 GLC-Area-%
Indigofera wightii COMPONENT ACIDS OF SOME ORNAMENTAL SEED OILS Daulatabad, C. D.; Ankalgi, R. F.; Kulkarni, J. S. Journal of Food Science and Technology-Mysore (1982) 19 110-111 38.7 GLC-Area-%
Amaranthus blitum Studies on vegetable oils of genus Amaranthus Badami, R. C.; Patil, K. B. Journal of the Oil Technologists' Association of India (1976) 8 131-131 38.7 GLC-Area-%
Brachychiton gregorii Characteristics and fatty acid composition of Brachychiton species seeds and the oils (Sterculiaceae) Rao, Koyyalamudi Sundar Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (1991,5) 39 881-882 38.7 GLC-Area-%
Falcaria vulgaris Search for new industrial oils: XVI. Umbelliflorae-seed oils rich in petroselinic acid Kleiman, R.; Spencer, G. F. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1982) 59 29-38 38.7 GLC-Area-%
Heliotropium supinum STUDIES ON HERBACEOUS SEED OILS .11 Nasirullah,; Siddigi, S. F.; Ahmad, F.; Ansari, A. A.; Osman, S. M. Fette Seifen Anstrichmittel (1980) 82 241-243 38.7 GLC-Area-%
Acacia leucophloea Chemical composition of acacia seeds Banerji, R.; Chowdhury, A. R.; Misra, G.; Nigam, S. K. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1988) 65 1959-1960 38.6 GLC-Area-%
Citrus maxima TRIGLYCERIDE COMPOSITION OF SEED OILS FROM VIETNAMESE CITRUS FRUITS Tarandjiiska, R.; Nguyen, H. Rivista Italiana delle Sostanze Grasse (1989) 66 99-102 38.6 GLC-Area-%
Raphia sudanica SEED LIPIDS OF THE PALM FAMILY Idiemopute, F. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society (1979) 56 528-530 38.6 GLC-Area-%
Primula scotica Δ6-Unsaturated fatty acids in species and tissues of the Primulaceae Sayanova, O.; Napier, J. A.; Shewry, P. R. Phytochemistry (1999) 52 419-422 38.6 GLC-Area-%
Primula integrifolia scopoli Δ6-Unsaturated fatty acids in species and tissues of the Primulaceae Sayanova, O.; Napier, J. A.; Shewry, P. R. Phytochemistry (1999) 52 419-422 38.6 GLC-Area-%
Citrus aurantifolia ON THE CONTENTS AND FATTY-ACID COMPOSITION VALUES OF TOTAL LIPIDS (FOLCH) FROM NON GILY PULPS OF EDIBLE FRUITS Sanchez, M. A.; Cattaneo, P. Anales De La Asociacion Quimica Argentina (1987) 75 531-549 38.5 GLC-Area-%
Cedrela toona Fatty acid composition of seed oils of the meliaceae, including one genus rich in cis-vaccenic acid Kleiman, R.; Payne-Wahl, K. L. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1984) 61 1836-1838 38.5 GLC-Area-%
Pterygota alata Cyclopropene fatty acids of selected seed oils from bombacaceae, malvaceae, and sterculiaceae Bohannon, M. B.; Kleiman, R. Lipids (1978) 13 270-273 38.5 GLC-Area-%
Sambucus nigra Oils of the seeds of Sambucus nigra Gigienova, E. I.; Umarov, A. U.; Markman, A. L. Chemistry of Natural Compounds (1969,3) 5 100-100 38.5 GLC-Area-%
Eriobotrya japonica ON THE CONTENTS AND FATTY-ACID COMPOSITION VALUES OF TOTAL LIPIDS (FOLCH) FROM NON GILY PULPS OF EDIBLE FRUITS Sanchez, M. A.; Cattaneo, P. Anales De La Asociacion Quimica Argentina (1987) 75 531-549 38.4 GLC-Area-%
Citrus sinensis A Study on some Egyptian Citrus Seed Oils Dr. Abdel-Hamid Youssef Abdel-Rahaman Grasas y Aceites (1980) 31 331 38.4 GLC-Area-%
Citrus maxima A study on some Egyptian citrus seed oils Abdel-Rahaman, A. H. Y. Grasas y Aceites (1980) 31 331-333 38.4 GLC-Area-%
Melilotus indica STUDIES ON LEGUMINOUS SEEDS .3 Chowdhury, A. R.; Banerji, R.; Tiwari, S. R.; Misra, G.; Nigam, S. K. Fette Seifen Anstrichmittel (1986) 88 144-146 38.4 GLC-Area-%
Portulaca oleracea Fatty acids and β-carotene in Australian purslane (Portulaca oleracea) varieties Liu, Lixia; Howe, Peter; Zhou, Ye-Fang; Xu, Zhi-Qiang; Hocart, Charles; Zhang, Ren Journal of Chromatography A (2000,9) 893 207-213 38.34 GLC-Area-%
Cassia bicapsularis FATTY-ACID COMPOSITION OF SOME OILS FROM SENEGALESE SEEDS Miralles, J.; Pares, Y. Revue Francaise Des Corps Gras (1980) 27 393-396 38.3 GLC-Area-%
Heracleum lanatum Search for new industrial oils: XVI. Umbelliflorae-seed oils rich in petroselinic acid Kleiman, R.; Spencer, G. F. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1982) 59 29-38 38.3 GLC-Area-%
Sorghum bicolor Oil content and fatty acid composition of some varieties of barley and sorghum grains Osman, R. O.; El-Gelil, F. M. Abd; El-Noamany, H. M.; Dawood, M. G. Grasas y Aceites (2000,6,30) 51 38.29 GLC-Area-%
Hevea brasiliensis Studies on levels of oxalic acid and phytic acid in traditional foods of northern Nigerians Eka, O. U. West African Journal of Biological and Applied Chemistry (1977) 20 26-30 38.2 GLC-Area-%
Heptaptera cilicica Search for new industrial oils: XVI. Umbelliflorae-seed oils rich in petroselinic acid Kleiman, R.; Spencer, G. F. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1982) 59 29-38 38.2 GLC-Area-%
Sesamum indicum Seed composition of some new varieties of sesame Daxa, Amin; Kothari, I. L. Journal of the Oil Technologists' Association of India (1989) 21 15-16 38.2 GLC-Area-%
Oenanthe silaifolia Search for new industrial oils: XVI. Umbelliflorae-seed oils rich in petroselinic acid Kleiman, R.; Spencer, G. F. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1982) 59 29-38 38.2 GLC-Area-%
Desmodium gangeticum STUDIES ON LEGUMINOUS SEEDS .3 Chowdhury, A. R.; Banerji, R.; Tiwari, S. R.; Misra, G.; Nigam, S. K. Fette Seifen Anstrichmittel (1986) 88 144-146 38.2 GLC-Area-%
Primula macrophylla Δ6-Unsaturated fatty acids in species and tissues of the Primulaceae Sayanova, O.; Napier, J. A.; Shewry, P. R. Phytochemistry (1999) 52 419-422 38.1 GLC-Area-%
Psychotria dalzellii MINOR SEED OILS .18. EXAMINATION OF 12 SEED OILS Badami, R. C.; Thakkar, J. K. Fette Seifen Anstrichmittel (1984) 86 165-167 38.1 GLC-Area-%
Anchusa strigosa New sources of γ-linolenic acid Wolf, R. B.; Kleiman, R.; England, R. E. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1983) 60 1858-1860 38.0 GLC-Area-%
Stenachaenium macrocephalum Oxygenated Trans-3-olefinic acids in a Stenachaenium seed oil Kleiman, R.; Spencer, G. F.; Tjarks, L. W.; Earle, F. R. Lipids (1971) 6 617-622 38.0 GLC-Area-%
Salvia coccinea Search for new industrial oils. XIV. Seed oils of labiatae Hagemann, J. M.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Barclay, A. S. Lipids (1967) 2 371-380 38.0 GLC-Area-%
Panda oleosa A STUDY OF CERTAIN OIL PLANTS IN THE DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO Vieux, A. S.; Kabele-Ngiefu, C. Oleagineux (1970) 25 395-399 38.0 GLC-Area-%
Ceiba pentandra New tropical seed oils. III.—Component acids of leguminous and other seed oils (continued) Cornelius, J. A.; Hammonds, T. W.; Leicester, J. B.; Ndabahweji, J. K.; Rosie, D. A.; Shone, G. G. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (1970) 21 49-50 38.0 GLC-Area-%
Acer spp. γ-Linolenic acid in Acer seed oils Bohannon, M. B.; Kleiman, R. Lipids (1976) 11 157-159 38.0 GLC-Area-%
Stenachaenium macrocephalum Retarded hydrolysis by pancreatic lipase of seed oils with Trans-3 unsaturation Kleiman, R.; Earle, F. R.; Tallent, W. H.; Wolff, I. A. Lipids (1970) 5 513-518 38.0 GLC-Area-%
Sesamum indicum Fatty Acids of Sesame Oil by Urea Fractionation and Gas-Liquid Chromatography Dutta, J. Ghosh, A. Transactions of the Bose Research Institute, Calcutta (1972) 35 5-11 38.0 GLC-Area-%
Catalpa speciosa IDENTIFICATION OF CONJUGATED TRIENE FATTY ACIDS IN CERTAIN SEED OILS Hopkins, C. Y.; Chisholm, M. J. Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie (1962) 40 2078-& 38.0 GLC-Area-%
Catalpa ovata Glyceride studies: Part IX: Intraglyceride distribution of vernolic acid and of five conjugated octadecatrienoic acids in seed glycerides Conacher, H. B. S.; Gunstone, F. D.; Hornby, G. M.; Padley, F. B. Lipids (1970) 5 434-441 38.0 GLC-Area-%
Acer truncatum γ-Linolenic acid in Acer seed oils Bohannon, M. B.; Kleiman, R. Lipids (1976) 11 157-159 38.0 GLC-Area-%
Stenachaenium macrocephalum Retarded hydrolysis by pancreatic lipase of seed oils with Trans-3 unsaturation Kleiman, R.; Earle, F. R.; Tallent, W. H.; Wolff, I. A. Lipids (1970) 5 513-518 38.0 GLC-Area-%