Exploring Phylogenetic Relationships between Hundreds of Plant Fatty Acids Synthesized by Thousands of Plants. more details ...

Delta notation: 19:1-delta-10

Other Names: structure ambiguous: double bond configuration not specified

Formula: C19H36O2

Mass: 296.49

10 nonadecenoic acid
Structure drawn at OPSIN (opsin.ch.cam.uk)

External Database IDs:
CAS registry:
Lipid Maps:


stdinchi: InChI=1S/C19H36O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19(20)21/h9-10H,2-8,11-18H2,1H3,(H,20,21)




Displaying all 20 datapoints
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Annona squamosa L. 番木瓜种子油提取方法及成分的研究-柷红(GC-MS) . Study on the Extraction Method and Constituents of Papaw Seed Oil H Zhu; L Zhu; MH Ye Journal of Chinese Medicinal Materials (2007) 30(7) 857-860 0.0 weight-%
Camellia polyodonta F.C. How ex Hu 15株雅安红花油茶树茶籽含油率及脂肪酸组成分析_徐洲 GC-MS . Oil content and fatty acid composition of 15 Camellia polyodonta in ya'an XU Zhou; LI Qian-qian; ZHOU Qing-fen; LI Xu; DING Chun-bang Science and Technology of Food Industry (2014) 35(17) 305-308 0.0 weight-%
Trigonella foenum-graecum L. 糙草籽油中所含脂肪酸研究GC-MS . Study on Fatty Acids Contained in Oil of Asperugo Procumbens seed Yu Xu; Yang Xuqi; An Chengxi CHINESE QHINGHAI JOURNAL OF ANIMAL AND VETERINARY SCIENCES (1999) 29(5) 16-17 0.04 weight-%
Sesamum indicum L. 红萼月见草种子脂肪酸与氨基酸的分析_刘玉娇 . Analysis of Fatty Acids and Amino Acids from the Seeds of Oenothera erythrosepala Borb Yujiao Liu; Xueshe Qian; Qibi Huang Chinese Wild Plant Resources (2001) 20(1) 51-51 0.05 weight-%
Illicium verum Hook. f. GC_MS分析八角茴香种子CO_2超临界流体萃取物中的脂肪酸成分_袁经权 . Analysis of Fatty Acids in Supercritical Fluid Extracts of Illicium verum by GC-MS Jingquan Yuan; Jie Feng; Jianhua Miao; Junshan Yang CHINA JOURNAL OF CHINESE MATERIA MEDICA (2007) 32(8) 742-743 0.06 weight-%
Rubus allegheniensis Porter 黑莓籽油脂肪酸成分及抗氧化活性研究_张东升 . Study on Chemical Components of Blackberry Seed Oil and its Antioxidant Activity D Zhang Journal of the Chinese Cereals and Oils Association (2011) 26(11) 55-58 0.09 weight-%
Perilla frutescens (L.) Britton 紫苏属植物种子含油率及其脂肪酸组成_胡彦 . Oil Contents and Fatty Acid Composition of the Seeds of the Genus Perilla from Different Geographical Origins HU Yan; DING You-fang; WEN Chun-xiu; XIE Xiao-liang; ZHOU Qiao-mei; LIU Yu-jun Food Science (2010) 31(14) 165-169 0.1 weight-%
Allium fistulosum L. 超临界二氧化碳萃取芜菁子油及其成分分析_董海艳 . Extraction and Analysis of Chemical Components of Brassica Rapa L. Seeds Oil by Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Haiyan Dong Thesis-Nanjing Agricultural University (2010) 0.13 weight-%
Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.) Baill. 北五味子种子油脂和挥发油的成分分析GC-MS . The analysis of the essential oil from the seeds od Schisandra chinensis by GC-MS WANG Yan; WANG Jin fu; YOU Hong; CUI Yu hong Chinese Pharmaceutical Journal (2001) 35(16) 91-92 0.16 weight-%
Staphylea bumalda DC. 省沽油种子油中脂肪酸的GC-MS分析 . Analysis of fatty acids in staphylea bumalda DC seed oil by GC-MS MAO Duo-bin; JIA Chun-xiao; JIN Bao-quan; ZHANG Jun-song CHINA OILS AND FATS (2004) 29(3) 64-66 0.18 weight-%
Rubus idaeus L. 红松果壳油化学成分的研究_简报_刘桂荣 . Study on the Chemical Constituents of the Fruit Shell of Pinus bungeana Zucc. ex Endl. Guirong Liu; Wanzhong Huang; Ruijian Wang; Zhongkai Yan; Li Geng China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica (1994) 19(7) 425-426 0.28 weight-%
Rubus fruticosus L. 黑穗醋栗种子脂肪酸的研究_刘洪章 . Studies on Fatty Acids of Ribes nigrum L. Seed Hongzhang Liu; Rui Hao; Xiansong Zhao; Xiangdan Li Chinese Wild Plant Resources (1995) (3) 31-33 0.32 weight-%
Amygdalus persica L. 山桐子脂肪酸提取及成分分析 GC-MS . Fatty Acid Extraction and Composition Analysis of Idesia polycarpa Maxim. Fumin Chen Jiangsu Science & Technology Information (2013) (16) 74-75 0.36 weight-%
Ficus carica L. 超临界CO_2萃取燕麦油的技术研究及其脂肪酸分析_宋雪梅 . Supercritical carbon dioxide extraction of oat oil and its fatty acid analysis Xong Xuemei; Zhu Xia; Jiang Yumei; He Wenbing; Shang Xunwu; Han Shunyu Science and Technology of Food Industry (2007) (5) 138-140 0.5 weight-%
Tutcheria championii Nakai 石笔木种子脂肪酸成分分析 GC-MS . ANALYSIS OF THE NUTRIENT COMPONENTS OF THE SEED OF TUTCHERIA CHAMPIONINAKAI YIN Shuai-wen; WANG Wei; DUAN Xiao-juan; MAO Kai-jun; GUO Dan Journal of Jinggangshan University (Natural Sciences Edition) (2014) 35(3) 38-41 0.54 weight-%
Amygdalus davidiana (Carrière) de Vos ex Henry 山桐子脂肪酸提取及成分分析 GC-MS . Fatty Acid Extraction and Composition Analysis of Idesia polycarpa Maxim. Fumin Chen Jiangsu Science & Technology Information (2013) (16) 74-75 0.61 weight-%
Rhus typhina L. 5种能源植物种子含油量与脂肪酸组成 . Oil contents and relative components of fatty acid in the seeds of five energy plants XING Wei-He; RUAN Cheng-Jiang; LI He Renewable Energy Resources (2010) 28(2) 62-66 0.78 weight-%
Sapium sebiferum (L.) Roxb. 5种乌桕籽油主要脂肪酸成分的GC_MS分析_靳丽 . GC-MS analysis of fatty acid components of Sapium sebiferum seeds from five different habitats JIN Li;YI Mingjing;CHEN Yongqin;CHEN Yong Journal of Hubei University(Natural Science) (2010) 32(4) 443-446 0.78 weight-%
Sterculia lychnophora Hance 炮制对莱菔子中脂肪油的含量的影响及GC-MS分析_孙忠迪(GC-MS)市购 . The Effect and Analysis by GC-MS of Fatty Acid Content In Roasted Semen Raphanisubsp. sativus (L.) Domin Seed and GC-MS Analysis Zhongdi Sun; Qun Wang; Shuyun Li; Wenhai Lǚ Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae (2013) 19(1) 67-69 1.2 weight-%
Abelmoschus moschatus Medik. 黄秋葵种子的挥发油和脂肪酸GC_MS分析_李健 . Analysis of Components in Volatile Oil and Fatty Acid from Seed of Abelmoschus esculentus Jian Li; Wen Wang; Xiaohong Sun Hubei Agricultural Sciences (2012) 51(5) 1006-1008 2.43 weight-%