Exploring Phylogenetic Relationships between Hundreds of Plant Fatty Acids Synthesized by Thousands of Plants. more details ...

Delta notation: 20:0

Other Names: Arachic acid; Arachidic acid; Icosanoic acid; NSC 93983; n-Eicosanic acid; n-Eicosanoic acid

Formula: C20 H40 O2

Mass: 312.53

IUPAC name: icosanoic acid

Eicosanoic acid
Structure drawn at OPSIN (opsin.ch.cam.uk)

External Database IDs:
CAS registry: 506-30-9
SOFA Mol: M_119
Lipid Maps: LMFA01010020
PubChem: 10467

inchi: InChI=1/C20H40O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20(21)22/h2-19H2,1H3,(H,21,22)/f/h21H

stdinchi: InChI=1S/C20H40O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20(21)22/h2-19H2,1H3,(H,21,22)




Displaying datapoints 551 - 600 of 5933 in total
PlantSort off PublicationSort off ValueSort off UnitSort off
Camellia oleifera Abel 超临界CO_2萃取_GC_MS法测定藿香籽中脂肪酸含量_孙晓丽 . Analysis of fatty acids in Agastache rugosa seed by supercritical CO2 extraction and GC-MS method SUN Xiao-li; JIA Chun-xiao; MAO Duo-bin; NIU Ji-ping; SHEN Jin-chao Journal of Zhengzhou University of Light Industry(Natural Science) (2009) 24(2) 27-29 3.3 weight-%
Albizia chinensis (Osbeck) Merr. 中国油脂植物 Chinese Oil Plants Jia Liangzhi; Zhou Jun Book: Chinese Oil Plants. Beijing: Science Press: Edited by Jia Liangzhi & Zhou Jun (1987) 3.3 weight-%
Olea europaea L. 中国主要茶树(Camellia Sinensis O. ktze)品种茶籽油脂肪酸组成的研究_朱全芬(GC) . Study on Fatty Acid Composition of Seed Oil from Camellia Sinensis O. ktze in China Quanfen Zhu; Jiehua Tian; Chunhua Xia China Oils and Fats (1987) (2) 31-37 3.3 weight-%
Ipomoea tuberosa MINOR SEED OILS .19. EXAMINATION OF CONVOLVULACEAE SEED OILS Badami, R. C.; Thakkar, J. Fette Seifen Anstrichmittel (1984) 86 203-204 3.3 GLC-Area-%
Cattleya unknown Characterization of the lipids of some orchids Holman, R. T.; Nichols, P. C. Phytochemistry (1972) 11 333-337 3.2 GLC-Area-%
Basella alba COMPONENT FATTY-ACIDS OF SOME INDIAN SEED OILS Daulatabad, C. D.; Ankalgi, R. F. Fette Seifen Anstrichmittel (1983) 85 404-406 3.2 GLC-Area-%
Intsia amboinensis Oil-bearing plants of Zaire. III. Botanical families providing oils of relatively high unsaturation Ngiefu, C. K.; Paquot, C.; Vieux, A. Oleagineux (1977) 32 535-537 3.2 GLC-Area-%
Cnidium monnieri (L.) Cusson 中国油脂植物 Chinese Oil Plants Jia Liangzhi; Zhou Jun Book: Chinese Oil Plants. Beijing: Science Press: Edited by Jia Liangzhi & Zhou Jun (1987) 3.2 weight-%
Pinus gerardiana Book: Manual of Gas-liquid Chromatography of Organic Acids (in Russian) Gorjaev, M. I. Evdakova, N. A. Book: Spravočnik po gazožidkostnoj chromatografii organičeskich kislot (1977) Nauka Alma-Ata None 3.2 GLC-Area-%
Celtis biondii Pamp. 河南油脂植物 Oil Plants in Henan Junpu Zhang, J. L., and Huaishan W. Book: China’s International Broadcasting Press. (1996) 3.2 weight-%
Pseudotsuga macrocarpa Taxonomy of gymnospermae: multivariate analyses of leaf fatty acid composition Mongrand, Sébastien; Badoc, Alain; Patouille, Brigitte; Lacomblez, Chantal; Chavent, Marie; Cassagne, Claude; Bessoule, Jean-Jacques Phytochemistry (2001) 58 101-115 3.2 weight-%
Argyreia aggregata CHARACTERISTICS AND COMPOSITION OF SOME CONVOLVULACEAE AND LEGUMINOSAE SEEDS AND THE OILS Kittur, M. H.; Mahajanshetti, C. S.; Lakshminarayana, G. Fett Wissenschaft Technologie-Fat Science Technology (1987) 89 269-270 3.2 GLC-Area-%
Portulaca oleracea Fatty acids and β-carotene in Australian purslane (Portulaca oleracea) varieties Liu, Lixia; Howe, Peter; Zhou, Ye-Fang; Xu, Zhi-Qiang; Hocart, Charles; Zhang, Ren Journal of Chromatography A (2000,9) 893 207-213 3.2 GLC-Area-%
Rhododendron smirnowii Fatty Acid Composition of Turkish Rhododendron Species Carballeira, Néstor M.; Cartagena, Michelle; Tasdemir, Deniz Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (2008) 85 605-611 3.2 weight-%
Acorus calamus FATTY-ACID AND SUGAR COMPOSITION OF ACORUS-CALAMUS LINN Asif, M.; Siddiqi, M. T. A.; Ahmad, M. U. Fette Seifen Anstrichmittel (1984) 86 24-25 3.2 GLC-Area-%
Basella rubra Constituents of Basella rubra seed oil Banerjee, A. K.; Mamta, Jain; Vibha, Dubey Fitoterapia (1992) 63 377-377 3.2 GLC-Area-%
Malus domestica A study of the content and composition of the long-chain fatty acids isolated from different parts of apple fruits Dodora-Anghelova, M. S.; Ivanov, C. P.; Velchera, M. P. Rivista Italiana delle Sostanze Grasse (1978) 55 29-32 3.2 GLC-Area-%
Celtis biondii Pamp. 中国油脂植物 Chinese Oil Plants Jia Liangzhi; Zhou Jun Book: Chinese Oil Plants. Beijing: Science Press: Edited by Jia Liangzhi & Zhou Jun (1987) 3.2 weight-%
Myosotis palustris Further investigations on leguminosae seed oils Averna, V.; Lotti, G.; Tartaglia, F. P. Rivista Italiana delle Sostanze Grasse (1969) 46 602-06 3.2 GLC-Area-%
Ipomoea tuberosa Composition Physico-Chimique de Quelques Graines Issues de la Flore De L'ile de la Reunion Guerere; M. et al. Ann. Fals. Exp. Chim. (1985) 78 281-286 3.2 GLC-Area-%
Gliricidia sepium Fat content and fatty acid composition of oils extracted from selected wild-gathered tropical plant seeds from Nigeria Ikechukwu E. Ezeagu, Klaus J. Petzke, Erika Lange, Cornelia C. Metges Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1998) 75 1031-1035 3.2 GLC-Area-%
Rhus succedanea MAJOR FATTY-ACID CONTENTS OF HAZE WAX CHANGES DURING THE GROWTH AND STORAGE PERIODS OF HAZE SEEDS Xu, J. S.; Meguro, S.; Kawachi, S. Mokuzai Gakkaishi (1990) 36 133-138 3.18 GLC-Area-%
Artocarpus heterophyllus Accumulation of primary and secondary metabolites in edible jackfruit seed tissues and scavenging of reactive nitrogen species Fernandes, Fátima; Ferreres, Federico; Gil-Izquierdo, Angel; Oliveira, Andreia P.; Valentão, Patrícia; Andrade, Paula B. Food Chemistry (2017) 233 85-95 3.18 weight-%
Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn. 冬凌草籽油品质分析及脂肪酸含量的测定 . quality and components of fatty acids rabdosia rubescens seeds oil F Song; J Gao; Y Niu; G Yang Journal of South-Central University for Nationalities (2009) 28(4) 63-65 3.16 weight-%
Cucurbita moschata Duchesne ex Poir. 不同提取方法对续随子种子中不饱和脂肪酸得率的影响GC-MS . Effects of Different Extraction Methods on Yield of Unsaturated Fatty Acids from Euphorbia lathyris L. Seeds Jia yuanchao; Xu lang; Chen zhong; Gong zhunan; Gu gongping; Zhang weiming Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences (2008) 36(18) 7509-7511 3.15 weight-%
Cucumis sativus L. 水果黄瓜和旱黄瓜脂肪酸的分析 GC-MS . Analysis of Fatty Acids for Fruit Cucumber and Dry Cucumber ZHANG Fuwei; HOU Dong-yan; LI Xue-cheng FOOD SCIENCE (2008) 29(1) 260-262 3.14 weight-%
Albizia moluccana ANALYSIS OF THE ESSENTIAL FATTY-ACID RICH SEED OILS Ahmad, D.; Afaque, S.; Mustafa, J.; Osman, S. M. Journal of the Indian Chemical Society (1990) 67 863-864 3.12 GLC-Area-%
Alangium lamarckii Studies on minor seed oils Ahmad, I.; Kaur, A. Journal of the Oil Technologists' Association of India (1998) 30 114-116 3.1 GLC-Area-%
Schizolaena pectinata A survey of the sarcolaenaceae for cyclopropene fatty acids Gaydou, E. M.; Ramanoelina, A. R. P. Phytochemistry (1983) 22 1725-1728 3.1 GLC-Area-%
Trigonella sibthorpii A Comparison of Diosgenin, Phenolics, Fatty Acid Profiles and Mineral Contents with Free Radical Scavenging Activity of Trigonella L. Species from Section Cylindricae Selma 􏰿. Uras G􏱀ngör, Ahmet 􏱁lçim, Gamze Kökdil Records of Natural Products (2017) 11 17-30 3.1 weight-%
Grevillea robusta Book: Manual of Gas-liquid Chromatography of Organic Acids (in Russian) Gorjaev, M. I. Evdakova, N. A. Book: Spravočnik po gazožidkostnoj chromatografii organičeskich kislot (1977) Nauka Alma-Ata None 3.1 GLC-Area-%
Coffea pseudozanguebariae Effectiveness of the fatty acid and sterol composition of seeds for the chemotaxonomy of Coffea subgenus Coffea Dussert, Stéphane; Laffargue, Andréina; Kochko, Alexandre de; Joët, Thierry Phytochemistry (2008) 69 2950-2960 3.1 weight-%
Koelreuteria apiculata A CYANOGENETIC LIPID FROM KOELREUTERIA-APICULATA SEED OIL Ahmad, R.; Ahmad, I.; Osman, S. M. Chemistry & Industry (1985) 734-734 3.1 GLC-Area-%
Cyperus iria STUDIES ON HERBACEOUS SEED OILS .2 Ahmad, F.; Ahmad, M. U.; Ahmad, I.; Ansari, A. A.; Osman, S. M. Fette Seifen Anstrichmittel (1978) 80 190-192 3.1 GLC-Area-%
Melilotus officinalis (L.) Lam. 中国油脂植物 Chinese Oil Plants Jia Liangzhi; Zhou Jun Book: Chinese Oil Plants. Beijing: Science Press: Edited by Jia Liangzhi & Zhou Jun (1987) 3.1 weight-%
Podocarpus chinensis Taxonomy of gymnospermae: multivariate analyses of leaf fatty acid composition Mongrand, Sébastien; Badoc, Alain; Patouille, Brigitte; Lacomblez, Chantal; Chavent, Marie; Cassagne, Claude; Bessoule, Jean-Jacques Phytochemistry (2001) 58 101-115 3.1 weight-%
Sapindus mukorossi Chemical Investigations of the Sapindus mukorossi Seed Oil Sengupta, A.; Basu, S. P. Fette, Seifen, Anstrichmittel (1982) 84 411-415 3.1 weight-%
Sesbania sesban Fatty acid composition of yellow- and violet-flowered sesbania sesban seeds Kapoor, V. K.; Chawla, A. S.; Jindal, O. P. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1979) 56 904-905 3.1 GLC-Area-%
Dodonaea attenuata Fatty Acid Composition of Newer Seed Oils Sundar Rao, K.; Jones, G. P.; Rivett, D. E.; Tucker, D. J. Fett Wissenschaft Technologie/Fat Science Technology (1992) 94 37-38 3.1 GLC-Area-%
Filipendula ? Unpublished unpublished results MRI (1990) 3.1 GLC-Area-%
Dacryodes rostrata BUTTER FROM PLANTS Banerji, R.; Chowdhury, A. R.; Misra, G.; Nigam, S. K. Fette Seifen Anstrichmittel (1984) 86 279-284 3.1 GLC-Area-%
Melilotus officinalis Pall. 河南油脂植物 Oil Plants in Henan Junpu Zhang, J. L., and Huaishan W. Book: China’s International Broadcasting Press. (1996) 3.1 weight-%
Melilotus officinalis Pall. 东北油脂植物及油脂成分测定法 Oil Plants in the Northeast and Determination of Lipid Component Tingru Zhu, Y. D., Xiabing, L.i, Yu, G., Yecheng, W., Hongdou, W. Book: Liaoning People’s Publishing House. (1980) 3.1 weight-%
Erythrina rubrinervia Not found Domiguez & Canales Rev. quim e. ing. quim (1957) 1 23 3.1 GLC-Area-%
Agathis moorei Taxonomy of gymnospermae: multivariate analyses of leaf fatty acid composition Mongrand, Sébastien; Badoc, Alain; Patouille, Brigitte; Lacomblez, Chantal; Chavent, Marie; Cassagne, Claude; Bessoule, Jean-Jacques Phytochemistry (2001) 58 101-115 3.1 weight-%
Celosia argentea Suitability of Some Wildly Grown Seed Oils for Use as Biodiesel Azam, M. M.; Waris, A.; Nahar, N. M. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects (2010) 657-664 3.09 weight-%
Achillea magnifica FATTY ACIDS OF THE SEED OILS OF THREE Achillea SPECIES N. Zonuz, A. E. Akpinar, N. Akpinar, S. Dag, M. A. Akpinar Chemistry of Natural Compounds (2020) 56 115-118 3.07 weight-%
Macadamia ternifolia F. Muell. 澳洲坚果脂肪酸成分分析_王文林 . Analysis of Fatty Acid Composition of Macadamia Nut WANG Wenlin; ZHAO Jing; QIN Binhua; QIU Wenwu; QIN Zhenshi; ZHENG Shufang; WEI Changbin; WEI Chizhang Tropical Agricultural Engineering (2013) 37(1) 1-3 3.04 weight-%