Solanum lycopersicum |
Bailey's Industrial Oil and Fat Products. Swern, B. Book (1979) None None |
35.0 |
GLC-Area-% |
Wikstroemia viridiflora |
NEW TROPICAL SEED OILS .4. COMPONENT ACIDS OF LEGUMINOUS AND OTHER SEED OILS INCLUDING USEFUL SOURCES OF CREPENYNIC AND DEHYDROCREPENYNIC ACID Gunstone, F. D.; Hammonds, T. W.; Steward, S. R.; Corneliu.Ja, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (1972) 23 53-60 |
35.0 |
GLC-Area-% |
Centranthus macrosiphon |
OCCURRENCE IN SEED OILS OF SOME FATTY ACIDS WITH CONJUGATED UNSATURATION Hopkins, C. Y.; Chisholm, M. J. Canadian Journal of Chemistry (1965) 43 3160-& |
35.0 |
Mol% |
Acer platanoides |
γ-Linolenic acid in Acer seed oils Bohannon, M. B.; Kleiman, R. Lipids (1976) 11 157-159 |
35.0 |
GLC-Area-% |
Acer tataricum |
γ-Linolenic acid in Acer seed oils Bohannon, M. B.; Kleiman, R. Lipids (1976) 11 157-159 |
35.0 |
GLC-Area-% |
Amethystea coerulea |
Search for new industrial oils. XIV. Seed oils of labiatae Hagemann, J. M.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Barclay, A. S. Lipids (1967) 2 371-380 |
35.0 |
GLC-Area-% |
Nonea pulla |
Search for new seed oils. XV. Oils of boraginaceae Miller, R. W.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Barclay, A. S. Lipids (1968) 3 43-45 |
35.0 |
GLC-Area-% |
Arabis soyeri |
Chemotaxonomic value of tocopherols in Brassicaceae Goffman, F. D.; Thies, W.; Velasco, L. Phytochemistry (1999) 50 793-798 |
35.0 |
GLC-Area-% |
Acer spp. |
γ-Linolenic acid in Acer seed oils Bohannon, M. B.; Kleiman, R. Lipids (1976) 11 157-159 |
35.0 |
GLC-Area-% |
Planera aquatica |
The fatty acid compositions of seed oils and their significance in the taxonomy of the family Ulmaceae Wang Jing-Ping, Meng Shao-Jiang, Zhang Qing-Hua and He Guan-Fu Acta Phytotaxonomica Sinica (1981) 19 416-420 |
35.0 |
GLC-Area-% |
Vigna sinensis |
35.0 |
GLC-Area-% |
Erythrophleum guineense |
NEW TROPICAL SEED OILS .4. COMPONENT ACIDS OF LEGUMINOUS AND OTHER SEED OILS INCLUDING USEFUL SOURCES OF CREPENYNIC AND DEHYDROCREPENYNIC ACID Gunstone, F. D.; Hammonds, T. W.; Steward, S. R.; Corneliu.Ja, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (1972) 23 53-60 |
35.0 |
GLC-Area-% |
Desplatsia dewevrei |
Kernel oils of seven plant species of zaire Foma, M.; Abdala, T. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1985) 62 910-911 |
35.0 |
GLC-Area-% |
Acer spp. |
γ-Linolenic acid in Acer seed oils Bohannon, M. B.; Kleiman, R. Lipids (1976) 11 157-159 |
35.0 |
GLC-Area-% |
Balanites aegyptiaca |
Physical, morphological and chemical characteristics, oil recovery and fatty acid composition of Balanites aegyptiaca Del. kernels Mohamed, A. M.; Wolf, W.; Spiess, W. E. L. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition (2002) 57 179-189 |
35.0 |
weight-% |
Acer hyrcanum |
γ-Linolenic acid in Acer seed oils Bohannon, M. B.; Kleiman, R. Lipids (1976) 11 157-159 |
35.0 |
GLC-Area-% |
Acer spp. |
γ-Linolenic acid in Acer seed oils Bohannon, M. B.; Kleiman, R. Lipids (1976) 11 157-159 |
35.0 |
GLC-Area-% |
Prasium majus |
Search for new industrial oils. XIV. Seed oils of labiatae Hagemann, J. M.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Barclay, A. S. Lipids (1967) 2 371-380 |
35.0 |
GLC-Area-% |
Teucrium polium |
Search for new industrial oils. XIV. Seed oils of labiatae Hagemann, J. M.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Barclay, A. S. Lipids (1967) 2 371-380 |
35.0 |
GLC-Area-% |
Papaver somniferum |
Evaluation of Fatty Acids as Biochemical Markers for Source Identification of Indian Opium Krishna Reddy, M. M.; Jayshankar, G.; Sashidhar, R. B.; Varshney, K. M.; Sarin, R. K. LC/GC Europe (2005) October None |
35.0 |
GLC-Area-% |
Rhus coriaria |
Characteristics and fatty acid compositions of Rhus coriaria cultivars from southeast Turkey Dogan, M.; Akgul, A. Chemistry of Natural Compounds (2005) 41 724-725 |
34.91 |
GLC-Area-% |
Papaver somniferum |
Evaluation of Fatty Acids as Biochemical Markers for Source Identification of Indian Opium Krishna Reddy, M. M.; Jayshankar, G.; Sashidhar, R. B.; Varshney, K. M.; Sarin, R. K. LC/GC Europe (2005) October None |
34.9 |
GLC-Area-% |
Angelica decursiva |
Search for new industrial oils: XVI. Umbelliflorae-seed oils rich in petroselinic acid Kleiman, R.; Spencer, G. F. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1982) 59 29-38 |
34.9 |
GLC-Area-% |
Blepharis persica |
Fatty Acid Composition of Lipid Classes from the Seed Oil of Blepharis persica Waheed, A. Sabir, A. W. Sattar, A. Proceedings of the Pakistan Academy of Sciences (1992) 29 237-243 |
34.9 |
GLC-Area-% |
Jatropha curcas |
ENERGY-SOURCES OF PLANT-ORIGIN IN MADAGASCAR - ETHYL-ALCOHOL AND SEED OILS Gaydou, A. M.; Menet, L.; Ravelojaona, G.; Geneste, P. Oleagineux (1982) 37 135-141 |
34.9 |
GLC-Area-% |
Trachycarpus fortunei |
Taxonomic patterns in the fat content, fatty acid composition, and triglyceride composition of Palmae seeds Litchfield, C. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids (1970) 4 96-103 |
34.8 |
* weight-% |
Levisticum officinale |
Search for new industrial oils: XVI. Umbelliflorae-seed oils rich in petroselinic acid Kleiman, R.; Spencer, G. F. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1982) 59 29-38 |
34.8 |
GLC-Area-% |
Ipomoea quamoclit |
MINOR SEED OILS .19. EXAMINATION OF CONVOLVULACEAE SEED OILS Badami, R. C.; Thakkar, J. Fette Seifen Anstrichmittel (1984) 86 203-204 |
34.8 |
GLC-Area-% |
Ipomoea cardiophylla |
STUDIES ON MINOR SEED OILS .6 Mukarram, M.; Ahmad, I.; Farooqi, J. A. Fette Seifen Anstrichmittel (1986) 88 182-183 |
34.8 |
GLC-Area-% |
Arachis monticola |
Variability in fatty acid composition among Arachis genotypes: A potential source of product improvement Worthington, R. E.; Hammons, R. O. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1977) 54 A105-A108 |
34.7 |
GLC-Area-% |
Sesamum indicum |
Analysis of the fatty acid composition of some Indian seed oils by gas-liquid chromatography. I. Dutta, Jyotirmoy; Ghosh, Anita; Ghosh, Amitabha Indian Journal of Applied Chemistry (1968) 31 218-222 |
34.7 |
GLC-Area-% |
Cattleya unknown |
Characterization of the lipids of some orchids Holman, R. T.; Nichols, P. C. Phytochemistry (1972) 11 333-337 |
34.7 |
GLC-Area-% |
Seseli libanotis |
Search for new industrial oils: XVI. Umbelliflorae-seed oils rich in petroselinic acid Kleiman, R.; Spencer, G. F. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1982) 59 29-38 |
34.7 |
GLC-Area-% |
Acer spp. |
γ-Linolenic acid in Acer seed oils Bohannon, M. B.; Kleiman, R. Lipids (1976) 11 157-159 |
34.6 |
GLC-Area-% |
Acer heldreichii |
γ-Linolenic acid in Acer seed oils Bohannon, M. B.; Kleiman, R. Lipids (1976) 11 157-159 |
34.6 |
GLC-Area-% |
Anthriscus cerefolium |
Search for new industrial oils: XVI. Umbelliflorae-seed oils rich in petroselinic acid Kleiman, R.; Spencer, G. F. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1982) 59 29-38 |
34.5 |
GLC-Area-% |
Persea gratissima |
Phosphilipids in several vegetable oils Alter, M.; Gutfinger, T. Rivista Italiana delle Sostanze Grasse (1982) 59 14-18 |
34.5 |
GLC-Area-% |
Echinochloa colonum |
STUDIES ON MINOR SEED OILS .6 Mukarram, M.; Ahmad, I.; Farooqi, J. A. Fette Seifen Anstrichmittel (1986) 88 182-183 |
34.5 |
GLC-Area-% |
Citrus maxima |
Chemical evaluation of egyptian citrus seeds as potential sources of vegetable oils Habib, M. A.; Hammam, M. A.; Sakr, A. A.; Ashoush, Y. A. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1986) 63 1192-1196 |
34.49 |
GLC-Area-% |
Rhus succedanea |
34.41 |
GLC-Area-% |
Mentha arvensis |
Fatty acids of the Saturejoideae, Ajugoideae and Scutellarioideae (Lamiaceae) Marin, P. D.; Sajdl, V.; Kapor, S.; Tatic, B.; Petkovic, B. Phytochemistry (1991) 30 2979-2982 |
34.4 |
GLC-Area-% |
Nonea macrosperma |
New sources of γ-linolenic acid Wolf, R. B.; Kleiman, R.; England, R. E. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1983) 60 1858-1860 |
34.4 |
GLC-Area-% |
Cryptostegia grandiflora |
MINOR SEED OILS .18. EXAMINATION OF 12 SEED OILS Badami, R. C.; Thakkar, J. K. Fette Seifen Anstrichmittel (1984) 86 165-167 |
34.4 |
GLC-Area-% |
Papaver somniferum |
Evaluation of Fatty Acids as Biochemical Markers for Source Identification of Indian Opium Krishna Reddy, M. M.; Jayshankar, G.; Sashidhar, R. B.; Varshney, K. M.; Sarin, R. K. LC/GC Europe (2005) October None |
34.37 |
GLC-Area-% |
Archontophoenix cunninghamiana |
Tropaeolum speciosum seed fat: A rich source of cis-15-tetracosenoic and cis-17-hexacosenoic acids Litchfield, C. Lipids (1970) 5 144-146 |
34.3 |
* weight-% |
Saxifraga granulata |
Fatty acids of the seed oils of alpine Cruciferae and other alpine species Scrimgeour, C. M. Lipids (1976) 11 877-879 |
34.3 |
GLC-Area-% |
Argyreia aggregata |
CHARACTERISTICS AND COMPOSITION OF SOME CONVOLVULACEAE AND LEGUMINOSAE SEEDS AND THE OILS Kittur, M. H.; Mahajanshetti, C. S.; Lakshminarayana, G. Fett Wissenschaft Technologie-Fat Science Technology (1987) 89 269-270 |
34.3 |
GLC-Area-% |
Persoonia lanceolata |
The fatty acid composition of the seed oils of proteaceae: A chemotaxonomic study Vickery, J. R. Phytochemistry (1971) 10 123-130 |
34.3 |
GLC-Area-% |
Neolitsea aurata glauca |
Studies on the distribution of fatty acids in the oils of the Family Lauraceae Wang Jing-ping Meng Shao-jiang Li Jing-min Acta Botanica Sinica (1985) 27 177-185 |
34.3 |
GLC-Area-% |
Tamarindus sp. |
PHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF EGYPTIAN TAMARIND SEED OIL Morad, M. M.; Elmagoli, S. B.; Sedky, K. A. Fette Seifen Anstrichmittel (1978) 80 357-358 |
34.2 |
GLC-Area-% |