Exploring Phylogenetic Relationships between Hundreds of Plant Fatty Acids Synthesized by Thousands of Plants. more details ...

Delta notation: 22:0

Other Names: 1-Docosanoic acid; B 95; B 95 (acid); Behenic acid; EXL 5; n-Docosanoic acid

Formula: C22 H44 O2

Mass: 340.58

IUPAC name: docosanoic acid

Docosanoic acid
Structure drawn at OPSIN (opsin.ch.cam.uk)

External Database IDs:
CAS registry: 112-85-6
SOFA Mol: M_139
Lipid Maps: LMFA01010022
PubChem: 8215

inchi: InChI=1/C22H44O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22(23)24/h2-21H2,1H3,(H,23,24)/f/h23H

stdinchi: InChI=1S/C22H44O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22(23)24/h2-21H2,1H3,(H,23,24)




Displaying datapoints 1401 - 1450 of 3609 in total
PlantSort off PublicationSort off ValueSort off UnitSort off
Arabis glabra Search for new industrial oils. XIII. Oils from 102 species of cruciferae Miller, R. W.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Jones, Q. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1965) 42 817-821 0.7 GLC-Area-%
Glycine clandestina Chromosome number, oil and fatty acid content of species in the genus Glycine subgenus Glycine Chaven, C.; Hymowitz, T.; Newell, C. A. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1982) 59 23-25 0.7 GLC-Area-%
Daucus carota FATTY-ACID COMPOSITION OF LIPIDS FROM EDIBLE PARTS AND SEEDS OF VEGETABLES Nasirullah,; Werner, G.; Seher, A. Fette Seifen Anstrichmittel (1984) 86 264-268 0.7 GLC-Area-%
Sisymbrium sp. Sisymbrium (Sisymbrium spp., Brassicaceae) seed oil triacylglycerols Aubert Mammou, Corinne; Magliozzi, Myriam; Farines, Marie; Soulier, Jacques Oleagineux Corps Gras Lipides (France) (1996) 3 65 0.7 GLC-Area-%
Acacia praecox Seed components and taxonomy of some Acacia species Lamarque, Alicia L.; Fortunato, Renée H.; Maestri, Damián M.; Guzmán, Carlos A. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology (2000) 28 53-60 0.7 weight-%
Selenia grandis Search for new industrial oils. V. Oils of cruciferae Mikolajczak, K. L.; Miwa, T. K.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Jones, Q. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society (1961) 38 678-681 0.7 GLC-Area-%
Abutilon avicennae Composition of malva oil (Abutilon avicennae. Gaertn.) Lercker, G.; Conte, L. S.; Capella, P.; Frega, N. Rivista Italiana delle Sostanze Grasse (1983) 60 753-759 0.7 GLC-Area-%
Thevetia peruviana Apocynaceae Seed Lipids: Characterization and Occurrence of Isoricinoleic Acid and Triacylglycerol Estolides Smith, Mark A.; Zhang, Haixia Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (2015) 93 105-114 0.7 weight-%
Pulsatilla turczaninovii Unpublished unpublished results MRI (1992) 0.7 GLC-Area-%
Stapelia gigantea Apocynaceae Seed Lipids: Characterization and Occurrence of Isoricinoleic Acid and Triacylglycerol Estolides Smith, Mark A.; Zhang, Haixia Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (2015) 93 105-114 0.7 weight-%
Saussurea lipschitzii Unusual fatty acids in Compositae: gamma-linolenic acid in Saussurea spp seed oils Tsevegsueren, N. Aitzetmueller, K. Vosmann, K. Journal of High Resolution Chromatography (1997) 20 315-320 0.7 GLC-Area-%
Salvia cadmica Chemotaxonomic Evaluation of Species of Turkish Salvia: Fatty Acid Composition of Seed Oils. II. Kılıç, Turgut; Dirmenci, Tuncay; Gören, Ahmet C. ACG publications (2007) 1 17-23 0.7 weight-%
Cardamine impatiens L. 西北油脂植物 Oil Plants in the Northwest Northwest Institute of Botany of Chinese Academy of Sciences Shaanxi People’s Press. (1977) 0.7 weight-%
Diospyros australis The fatty acid composition of seed oils from ten plant families with particular reference to cyclopropene and dihydrosterculic acids Vickery, J. R. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1980) 57 87-91 0.7 GLC-Area-%
Artemisia macrocephala Unpublished unpublished results MRI (1991) 0.7 GLC-Area-%
Acer circinatum Identification of n-6 Monounsaturated Fatty Acids in Acer Seed Oils Sun, Jin-Yue; Wang, Xin-Kun; Smith, Mark A. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (2018) 95 21-27 0.7 weight-%
Dodonaea hirsuta Fatty Acid Composition of Newer Seed Oils Sundar Rao, K.; Jones, G. P.; Rivett, D. E.; Tucker, D. J. Fett Wissenschaft Technologie/Fat Science Technology (1992) 94 37-38 0.7 GLC-Area-%
Dodonaea hackettiana Fatty Acid Composition of Newer Seed Oils Sundar Rao, K.; Jones, G. P.; Rivett, D. E.; Tucker, D. J. Fett Wissenschaft Technologie/Fat Science Technology (1992) 94 37-38 0.7 GLC-Area-%
Salvia caespitosa Chemotaxonomic Evaluation of Species of Turkish Salvia: Fatty Acid Composition of Seed Oils. II. Kılıç, Turgut; Dirmenci, Tuncay; Gören, Ahmet C. ACG publications (2007) 1 17-23 0.7 weight-%
Erysimum hieraciifolium The fatty acid composition of various cruciferous seeds Jart, A. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1978) 55 873-875 0.7 GLC-Area-%
Lupinus mutabilis Unpublished Seher, A. unpublished results (1976) Juni 0.7 GLC-Area-%
Rhus shinnosuke Chemical Conversion of Extractives for the Production of Chemicals and Fuels IX: Chemical Compositions and Physical Properties in Haze Wax from 13 Cultivars Growin in Ehime Prefecture Tachibana, S. Stoh, K. Ohkubo, K. Oki, T. Sumimoto, M. Mokuzai Gakkaishi (1992) 38 1151-1158 0.7 GLC-Area-%
Panzerina canescens Unpublished unpublished results MRI Bundesforschungsanstalt Muenster (1995) 0.7 GLC-Area-%
Phytolacca acinosa Roxb. 中国油脂植物 Chinese Oil Plants Jia Liangzhi; Zhou Jun Book: Chinese Oil Plants. Beijing: Science Press: Edited by Jia Liangzhi & Zhou Jun (1987) 0.7 weight-%
Cardamine impatiens Lipids in Cruciferae: VIII. The fatty acid composition of seeds of some wild or partially domesticated species Appelqvist, L. -A. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society (1971,11) 48 740-744 0.7 GLC-Area-%
Vella annua Search for new industrial oils. XIII. Oils from 102 species of cruciferae Miller, R. W.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Jones, Q. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1965) 42 817-821 0.7 GLC-Area-%
Securidaca sp. New conjugated hydroxydienoic fatty acids and acetotriacylglycerols from Securidaca longipedunculata seed oil Smith Jr, C. R.; Madrigal, R. V.; Plattner, R. D. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA)/Lipids and Lipid Metabolism (1979) 572 314-324 0.7 GLC-Area-%
Acer sieboldianum Identification of n-6 Monounsaturated Fatty Acids in Acer Seed Oils Sun, Jin-Yue; Wang, Xin-Kun; Smith, Mark A. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (2018) 95 21-27 0.7 weight-%
Acer tataricum semenovii Identification of n-6 Monounsaturated Fatty Acids in Acer Seed Oils Sun, Jin-Yue; Wang, Xin-Kun; Smith, Mark A. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (2018) 95 21-27 0.7 weight-%
Acer mono Identification of n-6 Monounsaturated Fatty Acids in Acer Seed Oils Sun, Jin-Yue; Wang, Xin-Kun; Smith, Mark A. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (2018) 95 21-27 0.7 weight-%
Basella alba L. 落葵籽油的提取及其气相色谱质谱联用分析_赵建芬 . Extraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis of basella rubra seed oil Jianfen Zhao,Qiaorong Liang,Yinrong She Science and Technology of Food Industry (2012) 33(16) 79-81 0.69 weight-%
Rapanea melanophloeos PROXIMATE CONTENT AND LIPID PROFILE OF SEEDS FROM RAPANEA MELANOPHLOEOS (THE CAPE BEECH) TREE Lotter, Ninette; Ghandi Ibrahim, Kasimu; Chivandi, Eliton; Lembede, Busisani W.; Nyakudya, Trevor T.; Erlwanger, Kennedy H. Pakistan Journal of Botany (2017) 49(5) 1829-1382 0.69 weight-%
Onosma polioxanthum Fatty acid and tocochromanol patterns of some Turkish Boraginaceae—a chemotaxonomic approach Bagci, Eyup; Bruehl, Ludger; Aitzetmuller, Kurt; Altan, Yasin Nordic Journal of Botany (2002) 22 719-726 0.68 weight-%
Ximenia americana Identification of very long chain unsaturated fatty acids from Ximenia oil by atmospheric pressure chemical ionization liquid chromatography–mass spectroscopy Řezanka, Tomáš; Sigler, Karel Phytochemistry (2007) 68 925-934 0.67 weight-%
Citrus junos Siebold ex Tanaka 高空环境对鸡冠花籽油含量及其脂肪酸组成的影响—汪海峰(GC) . Effect of High-altitude Environment on the Fat Content and Fatty Acid Compositions in Celosia cristata L.Seed H Wang Journal of the Chinese Cereals and Oils Association (2002) 17(1) 59-62 0.67 weight-%
Metasequoia glyptostroboides Private communication, 1999 Pasquier, E. Private communication (1999) 0.67 GLC-Area-%
Cannabis sativa L. 火麻仁油中脂肪酸的不同酯化方法与GC_MS分析_李文峰 . Analysis of fatty acids in hemp seed oil using three different esterification methods by GC-MS LI Wen-feng; WANG Xiao-wei; LIU Fei; DAI Huang; FANG Guo-shan; MING Jian Science and Technology of Food Industry (2011) 32(11) 120-122 0.66 weight-%
Chrysanthemum coronarium L. GC_MS法测定超临界CO_2萃取茼蒿籽油_程霜 . GC/MS analysis of chrysanthemum L seed oil extracted by supercritical c arbon dioxide CHENG Shuang; CUI Qing xin and ZHANG Shu guang Analytical Laboratory (2001) 20(5) 32-34 0.65 weight-%
Rosa roxburghii Tratt. 刺梨籽油脂肪酸的提取及其成分测定GC-MS . Analysis on the components of fatty acids extracted from Rosa roxburghii seed oil with different extraction solvents CHEN Qing; CHEN Lin; LUO Jiang-hong; LI Pei-ying Journal of Gansu Agricultural University (2014) 49(2) 2(147-154) 0.64 weight-%
Medicago sativa Fatty Acid Composition of Some Medicago L. (Fabaceae) Species From Turkey BAKOGLU, A.; BAGCI, E.; KOCAK, A.; YUCE, E. Asian Journal of Chemistry (2010) 22 651-656 0.64 weight-%
Kleinhovia hospita FATTY ACID COMPOSITION OF OILS OF KLEINHOVIA-HOSPITA AND GUAZMA-TOMENTOSA Siddiqi, I. A.; Osman, S. M.; Subbaram, M. R.; Achaya, K. T. Indian Journal of Chemistry (1971) 9 209-& 0.63 GLC-Area-%
Aesculus chinensis Bunge 娑罗子中脂肪酸成分分析_张辰露 . Analysis on Fatty Acids Composition in Aesculus chinensis Seeds ZHANG Chen-lu; WU San-qiao; LI Xin-sheng SEED (2008) 28(8) 53-55 0.63 weight-%
Illicium verum Hook. f. GC_MS分析八角茴香种子CO_2超临界流体萃取物中的脂肪酸成分_袁经权 . Analysis of Fatty Acids in Supercritical Fluid Extracts of Illicium verum by GC-MS Jingquan Yuan; Jie Feng; Jianhua Miao; Junshan Yang CHINA JOURNAL OF CHINESE MATERIA MEDICA (2007) 32(8) 742-743 0.63 weight-%
Aster ? ISOMERIC MONOENOIC ACIDS IN VEGETABLE-OILS Seher, A.; Gundlach, U. Fette Seifen Anstrichmittel (1982) 84 342-349 0.63 GLC-Area-%
Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) L`Hér. ex Vent. 瓜蒌仁油中生理活性成分分析及其结构鉴定(GC-MS) . Compositional Analysis and Structural Characterization of Bioactive Substances in Trichosanthes Kirilowii Oil Liang Zhou Thesis-Jiangnan University (2007) 0.63 weight-%
Brassica napus ISOMERIC MONOENOIC ACIDS IN VEGETABLE-OILS Seher, A.; Gundlach, U. Fette Seifen Anstrichmittel (1982) 84 342-349 0.63 GLC-Area-%
Basella rubra FA and tocopherol composition of Vietnamese oilseeds Matthaus, Bertrand; Vosmann, Klaus; Pham, Long Quoc; Aitzetmüller, Kurt Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (2003) 80 1013-1020 0.63 GLC-Area-%
Leucas lavandulifolia Fatty acid profiling and multivariate analysis in the genus Leucas reveals its nutritional, pharmaceutical and chemotaxonomic significance Choudhary, Ashish Kumar; Sunojkumar, P.; Mishra, Girish Phytochemistry (2017) 143 72-80 0.62 weight-%
Malania oleifera Chun & S.K. Lee GC—MS测定蒜头果油中的脂肪酸含量 . Content of Fatty Acids in Malania oleifera Fruit Oil Determined by GC-MS Method ZHANG Xi; TAN Yu; LI Yan-qun Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences (2016) 44(5) 15-17 0.62 weight-%