Crambe maritima |
Lipids in Cruciferae: VIII. The fatty acid composition of seeds of some wild or partially domesticated species Appelqvist, L. -A. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society (1971,11) 48 740-744 |
24.7 |
GLC-Area-% |
Coincya monensis johnstonii |
Fatty acid composition of seed oil triglycerides in Coincya (Brassicaceae) Vioque, J.; Pastor, J. E.; Vioque, E. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society (1993) 70 1157-1158 |
24.6 |
GLC-Area-% |
Heracleum sphondylium |
Search for new industrial oils: XVI. Umbelliflorae-seed oils rich in petroselinic acid Kleiman, R.; Spencer, G. F. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1982) 59 29-38 |
24.6 |
GLC-Area-% |
Arnica montana |
FATTY-ACIDS OF ESSENTIAL OIL OF LEAVES OF ARNICA MONTANA AND ARNICA LONGIFOLIA Willuhn, G. Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung Part B-Chemie Biochemie Biophysik Biologie Und Verwandten Gebiete (1972) B 27 728-& |
24.5 |
GLC-Area-% |
Antrocaryon nannanii |
Not found Pieraerts, J. Ipatiev, N. Matieres Grasses (1927) 19 7974 |
24.5 |
GLC-Area-% |
Lindera latifolia |
Studies on the distribution of fatty acids in the oils of the Family Lauraceae Wang Jing-ping Meng Shao-jiang Li Jing-min Acta Botanica Sinica (1985) 27 177-185 |
24.5 |
GLC-Area-% |
Antrocaryon nannanii |
TRIGLYCERIDE COMPOSITION OF BUCHANANIA-LANZAN SEED OIL Sengupta, A.; Roychoudhury, S. K. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (1977) 28 463-468 |
24.5 |
GLC-Area-% |
Acorus calamus |
FATTY-ACID AND SUGAR COMPOSITION OF ACORUS-CALAMUS LINN Asif, M.; Siddiqi, M. T. A.; Ahmad, M. U. Fette Seifen Anstrichmittel (1984) 86 24-25 |
24.5 |
GLC-Area-% |
Berula erecta |
Search for new industrial oils: XVI. Umbelliflorae-seed oils rich in petroselinic acid Kleiman, R.; Spencer, G. F. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1982) 59 29-38 |
24.5 |
GLC-Area-% |
Lasiopetalum macrophyllum |
The fatty acid composition of seed oils from ten plant families with particular reference to cyclopropene and dihydrosterculic acids Vickery, J. R. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1980) 57 87-91 |
24.4 |
GLC-Area-% |
Laurus nobilis |
Studies on the distribution of fatty acids in the oils of the Family Lauraceae Wang Jing-ping Meng Shao-jiang Li Jing-min Acta Botanica Sinica (1985) 27 177-185 |
24.4 |
GLC-Area-% |
Aubrieta gracilis |
Chemotaxonomic value of tocopherols in Brassicaceae Goffman, F. D.; Thies, W.; Velasco, L. Phytochemistry (1999) 50 793-798 |
24.4 |
GLC-Area-% |
Quercus incana |
STUDIES ON MINOR SEED OILS .11 Ahmad, R.; Ahmad, I.; Mannan, A.; Ahmad, F.; Osman, S. M. Fette Seifen Anstrichmittel (1986) 88 147-148 |
24.4 |
GLC-Area-% |
Lobelia erinus |
Analytical characterization of new seed oils Lotti, G.; Paradossi, C.; Marchini, F. Rivista della Societa Italiana di Scienza dell'Alimentazione (1985) 14 263-270 |
24.36 |
GLC-Area-% |
Sapium sebiferum |
GLYCERIDE STRUCTURE OF SAPIUM SEBIFERUM SEED OIL Christie, W. W. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta (1969) 187 1-& |
24.3 |
GLC-Area-% |
Thlaspi arvense |
Chemotaxonomic value of tocopherols in Brassicaceae Goffman, F. D.; Thies, W.; Velasco, L. Phytochemistry (1999) 50 793-798 |
24.3 |
GLC-Area-% |
Eriolaena hookeriana |
Eriolaena hookeriana seed oil: A rich source of malvalic acid Ahmad, M.S.; Ahmad, M.U.; Osman, S.M.; Ballantine, J.A. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids (1979,9) 25 29-38 |
24.3 |
GLC-Area-% |
Euphorbia geniculata |
Forest Oilseeds Osman, S.M. Ahmad, F. Book: New Sources of Fats and Oils. Pryde EH, Princen LH, Mukherjee K AOCS (1981) None None |
24.3 |
GLC-Area-% |
Podocarpus elatus |
The fatty acid composition of gymnospermae seed and leaf oils Vickery, J. R.; Whitfield, F. B.; Ford, G. L.; Kennett, B. H. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1984) 61 573-575 |
24.3 |
GLC-Area-% |
Athamanta cretensis |
Search for new industrial oils: XVI. Umbelliflorae-seed oils rich in petroselinic acid Kleiman, R.; Spencer, G. F. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1982) 59 29-38 |
24.3 |
GLC-Area-% |
Thevetia neriifolia |
Minor seed oils from two plant families, Verbenaceae and Apocyanaceae Qazi, G. A.; Osman, S. M.; Subbaram, M. R. Journal of the Oil Technologists' Association of India (Mumbai, India) (1973) 5(2) 14-15 |
24.3 |
GLC-Area-% |
Annona squamosa |
Chemical composition of Anona squamosa, Hyoscyamus niger and Hibiscus sabdariffa seed oils Shoeb, Z. E. Grasas y Aceites (1970) 21 270-71 |
24.3 |
GLC-Area-% |
Prunus persica |
Composition of almond oil. II. Distinction of sweet almond oil from blends with peach and apricot seed oil Salvo, F.; Dugo, G.; Stagno d'Alcontres, I.; Cotroneo, A.; Dugo, G. Rivista Italiana delle Sostanze Grasse (1980) 57 24-26 |
24.3 |
GLC-Area-% |
Thevetia peruviana |
Minor seed oils from two plant families, Verbenaceae and Apocyanaceae Qazi, G. A.; Osman, S. M.; Subbaram, M. R. Journal of the Oil Technologists' Association of India (Mumbai, India) (1973) 5(2) 14-15 |
24.3 |
GLC-Area-% |
Treculia africana |
Oil-bearing plants of Zaire. II. Botanical families providing oils of medium unsaturation Ngiefu, C. K.; Paquot, C.; Vieux, A. Oleagineux (1976) 31 545-547 |
24.3 |
GLC-Area-% |
Euonymus japonicus |
Lipid composition of Evonimus japonicus L., Piracantha coccinea L. and Amelanchier cannadensis L. seed oils Zlatanov, M.; Vazvazova, P. Grasas Y Aceites (1999) 50 351-354 |
24.3 |
GLC-Area-% |
Fibigia eriocarpa |
Etude de l'insaponifiable et des acide gras des graines de Fibigia eriocarpa D.C. (Cruciferes) Adom Boudji Kanian, M.M. et al. Fitoterapia (1974) 45(5) 189-192 |
24.21 |
GLC-Area-% |
Hesperis matronalis |
Chemotaxonomic value of tocopherols in Brassicaceae Goffman, F. D.; Thies, W.; Velasco, L. Phytochemistry (1999) 50 793-798 |
24.2 |
GLC-Area-% |
Arabis corymbiflora |
Chemotaxonomic value of tocopherols in Brassicaceae Goffman, F. D.; Thies, W.; Velasco, L. Phytochemistry (1999) 50 793-798 |
24.1 |
GLC-Area-% |
Clitoria ternatea |
Component acids of minor seed oils. I Ansari, Ashfaque A.; Osman, S. M.; Subbaram, M. R. Journal of the Oil Technologists' Association of India (Mumbai, India) (1975) 7 26-7 |
24.1 |
GLC-Area-% |
Lindera strychnifolia |
Not found Nii; H. et al. None (1980) 93 426 |
24.1 |
GLC-Area-% |
Erysimum odoratum |
FOUR fatty oil plants of valerian and ZHOVTUSHNYK - Google translate from Ukrainian Dolya, V.S.; Korniyevsky, A.; Ribalchenko, SM; Shkurupiy Farm. Zh. (Kiev) (1981) 2 73 |
24.1 |
GLC-Area-% |
Saxifraga nivalis |
Fatty acids of the seed oils of alpine Cruciferae and other alpine species Scrimgeour, C. M. Lipids (1976) 11 877-879 |
24.1 |
GLC-Area-% |
Nasturtium officinale |
Gas-liquid chromatography of triglycerides from erucic acid oils and fish oils Harlow, R. D.; Litchfield, C.; Reiser, R. Lipids (1966) 1 216-220 |
24.1 |
GLC-Area-% |
Lisaea papyracea |
Search for new industrial oils: XVI. Umbelliflorae-seed oils rich in petroselinic acid Kleiman, R.; Spencer, G. F. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1982) 59 29-38 |
24.1 |
GLC-Area-% |
Cryptantha barbigera |
Search for new seed oils. XV. Oils of boraginaceae Miller, R. W.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Barclay, A. S. Lipids (1968) 3 43-45 |
24.0 |
GLC-Area-% |
Draba aurea |
The fatty acid composition of various cruciferous seeds Jart, A. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1978) 55 873-875 |
24.0 |
GLC-Area-% |
Nerisyrenia camporum |
Search for new industrial oils. V. Oils of cruciferae Mikolajczak, K. L.; Miwa, T. K.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Jones, Q. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society (1961) 38 678-681 |
24.0 |
GLC-Area-% |
Hesperis matronalis |
Search for new industrial oils. V. Oils of cruciferae Mikolajczak, K. L.; Miwa, T. K.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Jones, Q. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society (1961) 38 678-681 |
24.0 |
GLC-Area-% |
Arabis alpina |
Search for new industrial oils. V. Oils of cruciferae Mikolajczak, K. L.; Miwa, T. K.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Jones, Q. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society (1961) 38 678-681 |
24.0 |
GLC-Area-% |
Rhus radicans |
Search for new industrial oils. VII Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Glass, C. A.; Jones, Q. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society (1962) 39 381-383 |
24.0 |
GLC-Area-% |
Anchusa angustifolia |
Search for new seed oils. XV. Oils of boraginaceae Miller, R. W.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Barclay, A. S. Lipids (1968) 3 43-45 |
24.0 |
GLC-Area-% |
Salvia sylvestris |
Search for new industrial oils. XIV. Seed oils of labiatae Hagemann, J. M.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Barclay, A. S. Lipids (1967) 2 371-380 |
24.0 |
GLC-Area-% |
Anchusa hybrida |
Search for new industrial oils. XI. Oils of boraginaceae Kleiman, R.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Jones, Q. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1964) 41 459-460 |
24.0 |
GLC-Area-% |
Salvia hispanica |
Search for new industrial oils. XIV. Seed oils of labiatae Hagemann, J. M.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Barclay, A. S. Lipids (1967) 2 371-380 |
24.0 |
GLC-Area-% |
Hyptis stellulata |
Search for new industrial oils. XIV. Seed oils of labiatae Hagemann, J. M.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Barclay, A. S. Lipids (1967) 2 371-380 |
24.0 |
GLC-Area-% |
Lycopus asper |
Search for new industrial oils. XIV. Seed oils of labiatae Hagemann, J. M.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Barclay, A. S. Lipids (1967) 2 371-380 |
24.0 |
GLC-Area-% |
Malcolmia chia |
The fatty acid composition of various cruciferous seeds Jart, A. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1978) 55 873-875 |
24.0 |
GLC-Area-% |
Leucas urticifolia |
LEUCAS-URTICAEFOLIA SEED OIL - A RICH SOURCE OF LABALLENIC ACID Nasirullah,; Ahmad, F.; Osman, S. M. Fette Seifen Anstrichmittel (1983) 85 314-315 |
24.0 |
GLC-Area-% |
Cynoglossum amabile |
Search for new industrial oils. I. Selected oils from 24 plant families Earle, F. R.; Melvin, E. H.; Mason, L. H.; van Etten, C. H.; Wolff, I. A.; Jones, Q. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society (1959) 36 304-307 |
24.0 |
GLC-Area-% |