Exploring Phylogenetic Relationships between Hundreds of Plant Fatty Acids Synthesized by Thousands of Plants. more details ...

Delta notation: 18:2

Other Names: structure ambiguous

Formula: C18H32O2

Mass: 280.24

Octadecadienoic acid
Structure drawn at OPSIN (opsin.ch.cam.uk)

External Database IDs:
CAS registry:
SOFA Mol: M_072
Lipid Maps: ambiguous






Displaying datapoints 1351 - 1400 of 4327 in total
PlantSort off PublicationSort off ValueSort off UnitSort off
Ipomoea pileata Fatty acid composition and characteristics of Ipomoea pileata seed oil Tiwari, H. P.; Mishra, Mridula; Gupta, P. C. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India, Section A: Physical Sciences (1994) 64 529-30 42.1 GLC-Area-%
Mucuna pruriens Oil-bearing plants of Zaire. II. Botanical families providing oils of medium unsaturation Ngiefu, C. K.; Paquot, C.; Vieux, A. Oleagineux (1976) 31 545-547 42.1 GLC-Area-%
Angelica lucida Search for new industrial oils: XVI. Umbelliflorae-seed oils rich in petroselinic acid Kleiman, R.; Spencer, G. F. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1982) 59 29-38 42.1 GLC-Area-%
Primula macrophylla Δ6-Unsaturated fatty acids in species and tissues of the Primulaceae Sayanova, O.; Napier, J. A.; Shewry, P. R. Phytochemistry (1999) 52 419-422 42.1 GLC-Area-%
Primula glaucescens Δ6-Unsaturated fatty acids in species and tissues of the Primulaceae Sayanova, O.; Napier, J. A.; Shewry, P. R. Phytochemistry (1999) 52 419-422 42.1 GLC-Area-%
Kigelia pinnata KIGELIA PINNATA SEED OIL - A MODERATE SOURCE OF VERNOLIC ACID Afaque, S.; Siddiqui, M. M.; Ahmad, I.; Siddiqui, M. S.; Osman, S. M. Fett Wissenschaft Technologie-Fat Science Technology (1987) 89 433-435 42.0 GLC-Area-%
Daphne mezereum Search for new industrial oils. VII Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Glass, C. A.; Jones, Q. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society (1962) 39 381-383 42.0 GLC-Area-%
Kerstingiella geocarpa New tropical seed oils. III.—Component acids of leguminous and other seed oils (continued) Cornelius, J. A.; Hammonds, T. W.; Leicester, J. B.; Ndabahweji, J. K.; Rosie, D. A.; Shone, G. G. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (1970) 21 49-50 42.0 GLC-Area-%
Voandzeia subterranea NEW TROPICAL SEED OILS .2. COMPONENT ACIDS OF LEGUMINOUS AND OTHER SEED OILS Gunstone, F. D.; Taylor, G. M.; Corneliu.Ja,; Hammonds, T. W. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (1968) 19 706-& 42.0 GLC-Area-%
Primula glaucescens Δ6-Unsaturated fatty acids in species and tissues of the Primulaceae Sayanova, O.; Napier, J. A.; Shewry, P. R. Phytochemistry (1999) 52 419-422 42.0 GLC-Area-%
Calopogonium caeruleum NEW TROPICAL SEED OILS .4. COMPONENT ACIDS OF LEGUMINOUS AND OTHER SEED OILS INCLUDING USEFUL SOURCES OF CREPENYNIC AND DEHYDROCREPENYNIC ACID Gunstone, F. D.; Hammonds, T. W.; Steward, S. R.; Corneliu.Ja, Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (1972) 23 53-60 42.0 GLC-Area-%
Rumex thyrsiflorus Amino- and fatty acid composition of three Kazakhstan species of Rumex. II Litvinenko, Yu A.; Muzychkina, R. A. Chemistry of Natural Compounds (2006) 42 747-748 42.0 GLC-Area-%
Sesamum indicum Seed composition of some new varieties of sesame Daxa, Amin; Kothari, I. L. Journal of the Oil Technologists' Association of India (1989) 21 15-16 42.0 GLC-Area-%
Acacia decurrens Chemical composition of acacia seeds Banerji, R.; Chowdhury, A. R.; Misra, G.; Nigam, S. K. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1988) 65 1959-1960 41.9 GLC-Area-%
Sesamum indicum COMPOSITION OF GREEK SESAME-D SEEDS Tsatsaronis, G. C.; Boskou, D.; Kehayoglou, A. Rivista Italiana delle Sostanze Grasse (1971) 48 490-492 41.9 GLC-Area-%
Kernera saxatilis Chemotaxonomic value of tocopherols in Brassicaceae Goffman, F. D.; Thies, W.; Velasco, L. Phytochemistry (1999) 50 793-798 41.9 GLC-Area-%
Citrus sinensis A study on some Egyptian citrus seed oils Abdel-Rahaman, A. H. Y. Grasas y Aceites (1980) 31 331-333 41.9 GLC-Area-%
Gossypium anomalum Oilseeds and fatty acid composition of seed oil of wild species and varieties of COTTON * (Google translate from Russian) Kyzalakova, T. O. Byll. Vses. Nauchno-Issled. Inst. Ratsenievod. im. N. J. Vavilova (1976) 60 66 41.8 GLC-Area-%
Neurospora crassa Lipid composition of Neurospora crassa Kushwaha, S. C.; Kates, M.; Kramer, J. K. G.; Subden, R. E. Lipids (1976) 11 778-780 41.8 GLC-Area-%
Prunus cerasus Phospholipid composition of some fruit-stone oils of Rosaceae species Zlatanov, M.; Janakieva, I. Fett-Lipid (1998) 100 312-315 41.7 GLC-Area-%
Glycine tomentella Chromosome number, oil and fatty acid content of species in the genus Glycine subgenus Glycine Chaven, C.; Hymowitz, T.; Newell, C. A. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1982) 59 23-25 41.7 GLC-Area-%
Primula farinosa Δ6-Unsaturated fatty acids in species and tissues of the Primulaceae Sayanova, O.; Napier, J. A.; Shewry, P. R. Phytochemistry (1999) 52 419-422 41.7 GLC-Area-%
Abelmoschus ficulneus ANALYSIS OF CALOTROPIS-GIGANTEA, ACACIA-CAESIA AND ABELMOSCHUS-FICULNEUS SEEDS Rao, K. S.; Pantulu, A. J.; Lakshminarayana, G. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society (1983) 60 1259-1261 41.7 GLC-Area-%
Carex flava l. Further investigations on leguminosae seed oils Averna, V.; Lotti, G.; Tartaglia, F. P. Rivista Italiana delle Sostanze Grasse (1969) 46 602-06 41.7 GLC-Area-%
Acacia catechu Chemical composition of acacia seeds Chowdhury, A. R.; Banerji, R.; Misra, G.; Nigam, S. K. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1983) 60 1893-1894 41.7 GLC-Area-%
Galium mollugo Convegno su Tensioattivi: proprieta ed applicazioni Lotti, G. et al. La Riv. Ital. Sost. Grasse (1985) 62 263 41.67 GLC-Area-%
Heliotropium indicum CYANOLIPIDS OF BORAGINACEAE SEED OILS Ahmad, I.; Ansari, A. A.; Osman, S. M. Chemistry & Industry (1978) 626-627 41.6 GLC-Area-%
Citrus sinensis ON THE CONTENTS AND FATTY-ACID COMPOSITION VALUES OF TOTAL LIPIDS (FOLCH) FROM NON GILY PULPS OF EDIBLE FRUITS Sanchez, M. A.; Cattaneo, P. Anales De La Asociacion Quimica Argentina (1987) 75 531-549 41.6 GLC-Area-%
Hevea brasiliensis RUBBER SEED OIL - THE UNTAPPED POTENTIAL SOURCE IN KARNATAKA, INDIA Jayappa, V.; Shanbhag, P. K.; Amminally, S.; Patil, K. B. Fette Seifen Anstrichmittel (1983) 85 472-474 41.6 GLC-Area-%
Glycine falcata Chromosome number, oil and fatty acid content of species in the genus Glycine subgenus Glycine Chaven, C.; Hymowitz, T.; Newell, C. A. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1982) 59 23-25 41.6 GLC-Area-%
Arachis hypogaea fastigiata Proximate, fatty acid and sterol compositions of aboriginal peanut (Arachis hypogaea L) seeds from Bolivia Grosso, N. R.; Zygadlo, J. A.; Lamarque, A. L.; Maestri, D. M.; Guzman, C. A. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (1997) 73 349-356 41.6 weight-%
Cistus creticus Fatty acid content of three Cistus species growing in Turkey Ustun, O.; Gurbuz, I.; Kusmenoglu, S.; Turkoz, S. Chemistry of Natural Compounds (2004) 40 526-528 41.6 GLC-Area-%
Sesamum indicum Seed composition of some new varieties of sesame Daxa, Amin; Kothari, I. L. Journal of the Oil Technologists' Association of India (1989) 21 15-16 41.6 GLC-Area-%
Bifora testiculata DETERMINATION OF PETROSELINIC ACID IN THE APIACEAE SEED OILS Ucciani, E.; Mallet, G.; Chevolleau, S. Revue Francaise Des Corps Gras (1991) 38 109-115 41.54 GLC-Area-%
Cistus salviifolius Fatty acid content of three Cistus species growing in Turkey Ustun, O.; Gurbuz, I.; Kusmenoglu, S.; Turkoz, S. Chemistry of Natural Compounds (2004) 40 526-528 41.53 GLC-Area-%
Gliricidia maculata STUDIES ON LEGUMINOUS SEEDS .3 Chowdhury, A. R.; Banerji, R.; Tiwari, S. R.; Misra, G.; Nigam, S. K. Fette Seifen Anstrichmittel (1986) 88 144-146 41.5 GLC-Area-%
Glycine canescens Chromosome number, oil and fatty acid content of species in the genus Glycine subgenus Glycine Chaven, C.; Hymowitz, T.; Newell, C. A. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1982) 59 23-25 41.4 GLC-Area-%
Lotus ornithopodioides Further investigations on leguminosae seed oils Averna, V.; Lotti, G.; Tartaglia, F. P. Rivista Italiana delle Sostanze Grasse (1969) 46 602-06 41.3 GLC-Area-%
Ipomoea biloba MINOR SEED OILS .19. EXAMINATION OF CONVOLVULACEAE SEED OILS Badami, R. C.; Thakkar, J. Fette Seifen Anstrichmittel (1984) 86 203-204 41.3 GLC-Area-%
Alphitonia excelsa Fatty acid composition of 20 lesser-known Western Australian seed oils Rao, K Sundar; Sino, D Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (1992) 58 585-587 41.3 GLC-Area-%
Sesamum indicum Seed composition of some new varieties of sesame Daxa, Amin; Kothari, I. L. Journal of the Oil Technologists' Association of India (1989) 21 15-16 41.2 GLC-Area-%
Jatropha gossypiifolia MINOR SEED OILS .18. EXAMINATION OF 12 SEED OILS Badami, R. C.; Thakkar, J. K. Fette Seifen Anstrichmittel (1984) 86 165-167 41.2 GLC-Area-%
Sesamum indicum Seed composition of some new varieties of sesame Daxa, Amin; Kothari, I. L. Journal of the Oil Technologists' Association of India (1989) 21 15-16 41.2 GLC-Area-%
Arachis duranensis Variability in fatty acid composition among Arachis genotypes: A potential source of product improvement Worthington, R. E.; Hammons, R. O. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1977) 54 A105-A108 41.2 GLC-Area-%
Lupinus angustifolius LUPINE - ITS COMPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT AS A SOURCE OF PROTEINS AND OIL .2. FATTY-ACIDS, AMINO-ACIDS AND MINOR COMPONENTS Lope, J. H.; Peset, J. L.; Angulo, P. A.; Berbel, F. R. Grasas Y Aceites (1985) 36 98-104 41.1 GLC-Area-%
Medicago sativa Jahresbericht der Bundesanstalt fuer Fettforschung: Institut fur Technologie und Biochemie Kaufmann, H.P. Salama, R. Jahresbericht der Bundesanstalt fuer Fettforschung (1969) None N 18 41.1 GLC-Area-%
Teucrium pseudochamaepitys Search for new industrial oils. XIV. Seed oils of labiatae Hagemann, J. M.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Barclay, A. S. Lipids (1967) 2 371-380 41.0 GLC-Area-%
Ballota hispanica Search for new industrial oils. XIV. Seed oils of labiatae Hagemann, J. M.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Barclay, A. S. Lipids (1967) 2 371-380 41.0 GLC-Area-%
Ranunculus constantinopolitanus Unusual olefinic fatty acids in seed oils from two genera in the ranunculaceae Spencer, G. F.; Kleiman, R.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A. Lipids (1970) 5 277-278 41.0 GLC-Area-%
Diplusodon glaucescens Seed lipids of the lythraceae Graham, S. A.; Kleiman, R. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology (1987) 15 433-439 41.0 GLC-Area-%