Exploring Phylogenetic Relationships between Hundreds of Plant Fatty Acids Synthesized by Thousands of Plants. more details ...

Delta notation: 22:0

Other Names: 1-Docosanoic acid; B 95; B 95 (acid); Behenic acid; EXL 5; n-Docosanoic acid

Formula: C22 H44 O2

Mass: 340.58

IUPAC name: docosanoic acid

Docosanoic acid
Structure drawn at OPSIN (opsin.ch.cam.uk)

External Database IDs:
CAS registry: 112-85-6
SOFA Mol: M_139
Lipid Maps: LMFA01010022
PubChem: 8215

inchi: InChI=1/C22H44O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22(23)24/h2-21H2,1H3,(H,23,24)/f/h23H

stdinchi: InChI=1S/C22H44O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22(23)24/h2-21H2,1H3,(H,23,24)




Displaying datapoints 1451 - 1500 of 3609 in total
PlantSort off PublicationSort off ValueSort off UnitSort off
Leucas lavandulifolia Fatty acid profiling and multivariate analysis in the genus Leucas reveals its nutritional, pharmaceutical and chemotaxonomic significance Choudhary, Ashish Kumar; Sunojkumar, P.; Mishra, Girish Phytochemistry (2017) 143 72-80 0.62 weight-%
Erysimum repandum Search for new industrial oils. XIII. Oils from 102 species of cruciferae Miller, R. W.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Jones, Q. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1965) 42 817-821 0.61 GLC-Area-%
Medicago archiducis-nicolai Å irj. 豆薯籽油的超临界CO_2萃取及其理化特性_麻成金 . Supercritical CO2 extraction and physicochemical properties of jicama seed oil MA Chengjina; Q Huang; X Tian; Z Liu; YU Jia China Oils and Fats (2008) 33(12) 20-23 0.61 weight-%
Silene compacta Tannin, Protein Contents And Fatty Acid Compositions of Silene compacta Fische Seeds From Bingöl, Turkey BAKOĞLU, Adlil; KÖKTEN, Kağan; KAVURMACI, Zühal Türk Tarım ve Doğa Bilimleri Dergisi (2014) 1 441-444 0.61 weight-%
Medicago archiducis-nicolai Å irj. 青蒿籽油的组成分析研究_薛雅琳 . Study on the Composition of Artemisia apiaeea Hanee. Seed Oil Yalin Xue; Jing Li; Wanxin Cao China Oil and Fats (1997) 22(4) 42-43 0.61 weight-%
Brassica napus Der Schleppdampf-(Einblasedampf-) Verbrauch bei der ein- und zweistufigen destillativen Entsauerung Liebing, H. Lau, J. Seifen-Oele-Fette-Wachse (1971) 97 387 0.6 GLC-Area-%
Cardiospermum corindum Fatty acids variation in Sapindaceae Abburra, R. E.; Zygadlo, J. A.; Guzman, C. A. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology (1992) 20 469-471 0.6 GLC-Area-%
Quercus coccifera Characterization of Turkish Quercus L. taxa based on fatty acid compositions of the acorns Özcan, T. JAOCS, Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (2007) 84 653-662 0.6 GLC-Area-%
Portulaca oleracea Unpublished unpublished results MRI (1998) 0.6 GLC-Area-%
Acer hyrcanum γ-Linolenic acid in Acer seed oils Bohannon, M. B.; Kleiman, R. Lipids (1976) 11 157-159 0.6 GLC-Area-%
Carapa grandiflora Fatty acid composition of seed oils from selected wild plants of Kahuzi-Biega National Park and surroundings, Democratic Republic of Congo Minzangi, K.; Kaaya, A. N.; Kansiime, F.; Tabuti, J. R. S.; Samvura, B.; Grahl-Nielsen, O. African J. Food Sci. (2011) 5 219-226 0.6 weight-%
Echinocystis lobata Oil and protein content, and oil composition of the seeds of some plants of the Canadian prairies Coxworth, E. C. M. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1965) 42 891-894 0.6 GLC-Area-%
Abutilon irritans CYCLOPROPENOIC FATTY-ACIDS OF MALVACEAE SEED OILS BY GAS-LIQUID-CHROMATOGRAPHY Gaydou, E. M.; Ramanoelina, A. R. P. Fette Seifen Anstrichmittel (1984) 86 82-84 0.6 GLC-Area-%
Acer pseudoplatanus Identification of n-6 Monounsaturated Fatty Acids in Acer Seed Oils Sun, Jin-Yue; Wang, Xin-Kun; Smith, Mark A. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (2018) 95 21-27 0.6 weight-%
Diplotaxis virgata Search for new industrial oils. XIII. Oils from 102 species of cruciferae Miller, R. W.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Jones, Q. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1965) 42 817-821 0.6 GLC-Area-%
Lycium ruthenicum Fatty acids of some Solanaceae seed oil Tsevegsueren, N.; Aitzetmueller, K.; Bruehl, L. National University of Mongolia - Scientific Journal Chemistry (1999) 2 56-61 0.6 GLC-Area-%
Acer glabrum Identification of n-6 Monounsaturated Fatty Acids in Acer Seed Oils Sun, Jin-Yue; Wang, Xin-Kun; Smith, Mark A. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (2018) 95 21-27 0.6 weight-%
Maesopsis eminii Fatty acid composition of seed oils from selected wild plants of Kahuzi-Biega National Park and surroundings, Democratic Republic of Congo Minzangi, K.; Kaaya, A. N.; Kansiime, F.; Tabuti, J. R. S.; Samvura, B.; Grahl-Nielsen, O. African J. Food Sci. (2011) 5 219-226 0.6 weight-%
Abies pindrow Unpublished Aitzetmueller, K. Wolff, R. L. unpublished results (1999) 0.6 GLC-Area-%
Cassia tora STEROLS AND FATTY-ACIDS OF 2 CAESALPINIACEAE Miralles, J.; Diallo, N.; Gaydou, E.; Kornprobst, J. M. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society (1989) 66 1321-1322 0.6 GLC-Area-%
Senebiera coronopus Search for new industrial oils. XIII. Oils from 102 species of cruciferae Miller, R. W.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Jones, Q. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1965) 42 817-821 0.6 GLC-Area-%
Hypericum perforatum FATTY-ACID COMPOSITION OF SEED OILS OF MEDITERRANEAN HERBACEOUS SPECIES Ucciani, E.; Mallet, G.; Gamisans, J.; Gruber, M. Grasas Y Aceites (1994) 45 107-112 0.6 GLC-Area-%
Hicksbeachia pinnatifolia The fatty acid composition of the seed oils of proteaceae: A chemotaxonomic study Vickery, J. R. Phytochemistry (1971) 10 123-130 0.6 GLC-Area-%
Ximenia caffra A CHEMICAL STUDY OF THE FRUITS OF 3 SOUTH AFRICAN XIMENIA SPECIES, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE KERNEL OILS Ligthelm, S. P.; Horn, D. H. S.; Schwartz, H. M.; Vonholdt, M. M. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (1954) 5 281-288 0.6 GLC-Area-%
Bromus catharticus LIPID-COMPOSITION OF GRAINS FROM WILD GRASSES Zygadlo, J. A.; Lamarque, A. L.; Maestri, D. M.; Guzman, C. A.; Grosso, N. R. Grasas Y Aceites (1995) 46 26-28 0.6 GLC-Area-%
Hydnocarpus anthelminticus Lipids in plant tissue cultures II. Unusual fatty acids in lipids of Hydnocarpus anthelminthica cultures Spener, F.; Staba, E.J.; Mangold, H.K. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids (1974,7) 12 344-350 0.6 GLC-Area-%
Acer griseum Identification of n-6 Monounsaturated Fatty Acids in Acer Seed Oils Sun, Jin-Yue; Wang, Xin-Kun; Smith, Mark A. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (2018) 95 21-27 0.6 weight-%
Agathis robusta Taxonomy of gymnospermae: multivariate analyses of leaf fatty acid composition Mongrand, Sébastien; Badoc, Alain; Patouille, Brigitte; Lacomblez, Chantal; Chavent, Marie; Cassagne, Claude; Bessoule, Jean-Jacques Phytochemistry (2001) 58 101-115 0.6 weight-%
Cynoglossum divaricatum gamma-Linolenic and stearidonic acids in Mongolian Boraginaceae Tsevegsuren, N.; Aitzetmuller, K. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society (1996) 73 1681-1684 0.6 GLC-Area-%
Mangifera indica Fatty acid profiles of 80 vegetable oils with regard to their nutritional potential Dubois, V.; Breton, S.; Linder, M.; Fanni, J.; Parmentier, M. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology (2007) 109 710-732 0.6 GLC-Area-%
Gleditsia triacanthos CHEMICAL-COMPOSITION OF HONEY LOCUST SEED (GLEDITSIA-TRIACANTHOS L CAESALPINIACEAE) Artaud, J.; Iatrides, M. C.; Peiffer, G. Revue Francaise Des Corps Gras (1986) 33 217-221 0.6 GLC-Area-%
Acer truncatum Identification of n-6 Monounsaturated Fatty Acids in Acer Seed Oils Sun, Jin-Yue; Wang, Xin-Kun; Smith, Mark A. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (2018) 95 21-27 0.6 weight-%
Halerpestes sarmentosa Unpublished unpublished results MRI (1994) 0.6 GLC-Area-%
Arctium tomentosum Unpublished unpublished results MRI (1995) 0.6 GLC-Area-%
Pennisetum clandestinum I lipidi del Pennisetum clandestinum. 1: Sulla composizione in acidi grassi e steroli Dugo, G; Salvo, F; Tripodo, Maria M; Controneo, A Rivista Italiana delle Sostanze Grasse (1981) 58 139 0.6 GLC-Area-%
Coffea stenophylla Effectiveness of the fatty acid and sterol composition of seeds for the chemotaxonomy of Coffea subgenus Coffea Dussert, Stéphane; Laffargue, Andréina; Kochko, Alexandre de; Joët, Thierry Phytochemistry (2008) 69 2950-2960 0.6 weight-%
Cerinthe glabra Unpublished unpublished results MRI Bundesforschungsanstalt Muenster (1996) 0.6 GLC-Area-%
Bauhinia picta Oil-bearing plants of Zaire. III. Botanical families providing oils of relatively high unsaturation Ngiefu, C. K.; Paquot, C.; Vieux, A. Oleagineux (1977) 32 535-537 0.6 GLC-Area-%
Lantana sellowiana MINOR SEED OILS .16. EXAMINATION OF 15 SEED OILS Badami, R. C.; Thakkar, J. Fette Seifen Anstrichmittel (1984) 86 115-117 0.6 GLC-Area-%
Cereus validus Phytochemical and chemotaxonomic studies on seeds of Cactaceae, sub-family Cereoideae grown in Argentina Serrano, Claudia E.; Guzmán, Carlos A. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology (1994) 22 79-83 0.6 GLC-Area-%
Cereus aethiops Phytochemical and chemotaxonomic studies on seeds of Cactaceae, sub-family Cereoideae grown in Argentina Serrano, Claudia E.; Guzmán, Carlos A. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology (1994) 22 79-83 0.6 GLC-Area-%
Dacrydium pierrei Hickel 中国油脂植物 Chinese Oil Plants Jia Liangzhi; Zhou Jun Book: Chinese Oil Plants. Beijing: Science Press: Edited by Jia Liangzhi & Zhou Jun (1987) 0.6 weight-%
Panicum maximum Unpublished unpublished results MRI Bundesforschungsanstalt Muenster 0.6 GLC-Area-%
Celosia argentea Unpublished unpublished results MRI Bundesforschungsanstalt Muenster (1995) 0.6 GLC-Area-%
Lycium ruthenicum Unpublished unpublished results MRI (1995) 0.6 GLC-Area-%
Incarvillea delavayi Unpublished Aitzetmueller, K. unpublished results (1988) 0.6 GLC-Area-%
Fockea angustifolia Unpublished unpublished results MRI (1995) 0.6 GLC-Area-%
Platycladus orientalis (L.) Franco 侧柏籽油的超声辅助提取及其脂肪酸组成分析 . Ultrasound-assisted Extraction and Fatty Acid Composition of Biota Orientalis Seed Oil MA Cheng-jin; WU Zhu-qing; HUANG Wei; XIAO Zhuo-bing; HUANG Qun Food Science (2010) 31(24) 50-55 0.6 weight-%
Koelreuteria paniculata Unpublished unpublished results MRI (1994) 0.6 GLC-Area-%
Platanus occidentalis COMPOSITION OF NEW SEED OILS Lotti, G.; Paradossi, C.; Marchini, F. Agrochimica (1991) 35 58-68 0.6 GLC-Area-%