Exploring Phylogenetic Relationships between Hundreds of Plant Fatty Acids Synthesized by Thousands of Plants. more details ...

Delta notation: 16:1-delta-9c

Other Names: 9-Hexadecenoic acid, (Z)-; Palmitoleic acid; (Z)-9-Hexadecenoic acid; (Z)-Hexadec-9-enoic acid; 9-Hexadecenoic acid; 9-cis-Hexadecenoic acid; 9Z-Hexadecenoic acid; C16:1; Oleopalmitic acid; Zoomeric acid; cis-9-Hexadecenoic acid; cis-Palmitoleic acid; cis--delta-9-Hexadecenoic acid

Formula: C16 H30 O2

Mass: 254.41

IUPAC name: (Z)-hexadec-9-enoic acid

9 hexadecenoic acid, (9z)
Structure drawn at OPSIN (opsin.ch.cam.uk)

External Database IDs:
CAS registry: 373-49-9
SOFA Mol: M_043
Lipid Maps: LMFA01030056
PubChem: 445638

inchi: InChI=1/C16H30O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16(17)18/h7-8H,2-6,9-15H2,1H3,(H,17,18)/b8-7-/f/h17H

stdinchi: InChI=1S/C16H30O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16(17)18/h7-8H,2-6,9-15H2,1H3,(H,17,18)/b8-7-




Displaying datapoints 1851 - 1900 of 2554 in total
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Paeonia suffruticosa Andrews 牡丹籽油超声辅助提取工艺优化及其GC_MS分析_易军鹏 . Optimization of ultrasonic-assisted extraction of oil from Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.seeds and its GC-MS analysis YI Jun-peng; ZHU Wen-xue; MA Hai-le; WANG Yi-fen  SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF FOOD INDUSTRY (2009) 30(8) 198-201 0.12 weight-%
Capsicum annuum Characteristics and composition of different seed oils and flours El-Adawy, T. A.; Taha, K. M. Food Chemistry (2001) 74 47-54 0.12 GLC-Area-%
Ocimum basilicum FA and tocopherol composition of Vietnamese oilseeds Matthaus, Bertrand; Vosmann, Klaus; Pham, Long Quoc; Aitzetmüller, Kurt Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (2003) 80 1013-1020 0.12 GLC-Area-%
Cynara cardunculus Nutritional Value and Bioactive Compounds Characterization of Plant Parts From Cynara cardunculus L. (Asteraceae) Cultivated in Central Greece Petropoulos, Spyridon A.; Pereira, Carla; Tzortzakis, Nikolaos; Barros, Lillian; Ferreira, Isabel C. F. R. Frontiers in Plant Science (2018) 9 0.11 weight-%
Magnolia officinalis subsp. biloba (Rehder & E.H. Wilson) Y.W. Law 木里柠檬种子油的脂肪酸组成和果实主要营养成分的研究_肖顺昌(GC) . Studies on the Fatty Acid Composition and the Main Nutritional Components of Lemon Seed Oil in Citrus limon (L.) Osbeck Shunchang Xiao; Yuezong Wu; Mingzhang Wen; Weijian Ren; Xun Zhuang; Peiqing Chen Natural Product Research and Development (1990) (1) 63-66 0.11 weight-%
Leucas longifolia Fatty acid profiling and multivariate analysis in the genus Leucas reveals its nutritional, pharmaceutical and chemotaxonomic significance Choudhary, Ashish Kumar; Sunojkumar, P.; Mishra, Girish Phytochemistry (2017) 143 72-80 0.11 weight-%
Xanthium strumarium Production of biodiesel from non-edible herbaceous vegetable oil: Xanthium sibiricum Patr Chang, Fei; Hanna, Milford A.; Zhang, De-Jing; Li, Hu; Zhou, Quan; Song, Bao-An; Yang, Song Bioresource Technology (2013) 140 435-438 0.11 weight-%
Chrysanthemum coronarium FA and tocopherol composition of Vietnamese oilseeds Matthaus, Bertrand; Vosmann, Klaus; Pham, Long Quoc; Aitzetmüller, Kurt Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (2003) 80 1013-1020 0.11 GLC-Area-%
Perilla frutescens FA and tocopherol composition of Vietnamese oilseeds Matthaus, Bertrand; Vosmann, Klaus; Pham, Long Quoc; Aitzetmüller, Kurt Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (2003) 80 1013-1020 0.11 GLC-Area-%
Phoenix dactylifera Heating effects on some quality characteristics of date seed oil Besbes, S.; Blecker, C.; Deroanne, C.; Lognay, G.; Drira, N. E.; Attia, H. Food Chemistry (2005) 91 469-476 0.11 weight-%
Jatropha curcas L. 黑芝麻和白芝麻中脂肪酸组成的比较_回瑞华 . Comparison of Fatty Acid Composition of Black Sesame and White Sesame Seeds HUI Rui-hua; HOU Dong-yan; LI Tie-chun; LIU Xiao-yuan; XU Yan-fei Food Science (2009) 30(18) 333-334 0.11 weight-%
Xanthium sibiricum Patrin ex Widder 山东月见草调查研究 GC . Investigation of Oenothera biennis L. in Shandong Province Bihua Li; Pichan Sun; Shangjun Xing Journal of Shandong Forestry Science and Technology (1989) (2) 64-67 0.11 weight-%
Picea likiangensis Private communication, 1999 Pasquier, E. Private communication (1999) 0.11 GLC-Area-%
Cucurbita pepo Characterization of crude and purified pumpkin seed oil. Tsaknis, John; Lalas, Stavros; Lazos, Evangelos S. Grasas y Aceites (1997,10,30) 48 267-272 0.11 GLC-Area-%
Malus sieboldii (Regel) Rehder 山东月见草调查研究 GC . Investigation of Oenothera biennis L. in Shandong Province Bihua Li; Pichan Sun; Shangjun Xing Journal of Shandong Forestry Science and Technology (1989) (2) 64-67 0.11 weight-%
Menispermum dauricum DC. 蝙蝠葛果实脂肪酸和氨基酸成分分析_龚宁 . Analysis on the Components of the Fatty Acid and Amino Acid of the Fruits of Menispermun Dauricum DC. by GC-MS GONG Ning; LI Yu-ping; LIU La-ping; XUE Yuan-yuan; and FU Jian-xi Acta Agriculturae Boreali-Occidentalis Sinica (2006) 15(4) 167-169 0.11 weight-%
Betula platyphylla Sukaczev 黄刺玫籽油的脂肪酸组成和成分分析_王常青 . Analysis of Fatty Acid Composition and Composition Rosa xanthina Lindl. Seed Changqing Wang China Oils and Fats (1995) 20(1) 44-46 0.11 weight-%
Rhamnus diamantiaca Nakai 山东月见草调查研究 GC . Investigation of Oenothera biennis L. in Shandong Province Bihua Li; Pichan Sun; Shangjun Xing Journal of Shandong Forestry Science and Technology (1989) (2) 64-67 0.11 weight-%
Tilia platyphyllos Fatty acid composition of Tilia spp. seed oils Dowd, M. K.; Farve, M. C. Grasas y Aceites (2013) 64 243-249 0.11 weight-%
Cucumis sativus FA and tocopherol composition of Vietnamese oilseeds Matthaus, Bertrand; Vosmann, Klaus; Pham, Long Quoc; Aitzetmüller, Kurt Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (2003) 80 1013-1020 0.11 GLC-Area-%
Moringa oleifera Characterization of Moringa oleifera variety mbololo seed oil of Kenya Tsaknis, J.; Lalas, S.; Gergis, V.; Dourtoglou, V.; Spiliotis, V. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry (1999) 47 4495-4499 0.11 GLC-Area-%
Syringa oblata Lindl. 紫茉莉籽油的提取及其脂肪酸组成分析_李丕高 . Extraction of four-o'clock seed oil and its fatty acid composition LI Pi-gao; LI Xi-an; CAO Qing-sheng China Oils and Fats (2007) 32(6) 35-37 0.11 weight-%
Paracaryum stenophyllum Fatty acid and tocochromanol patterns of some Turkish Boraginaceae—a chemotaxonomic approach Bagci, Eyup; Bruehl, Ludger; Aitzetmuller, Kurt; Altan, Yasin Nordic Journal of Botany (2002) 22 719-726 0.11 weight-%
Camellia brevistyla (Hayata) Cohen-Stuart 11个山茶属植物种子性状及其成分研究 GC . Study on Grain Traits and Composition on Seed of 11 Camellia Species MA Li; ZHONG Hai-yan; CHEN Yong-zhong; PENG Shao-feng; FENG Na; CHEN Long-sheng; WANG Rui JOURNAL OF SOUTHWEST FORESTTY UNIVERSITY (2015) 35(1) 21-25 0.11 weight-%
Euphorbia lathyris L. 不同中药材种子中脂肪酸组分及含量特征GC-MS . Composition and Content of Fatty Acid from Different Chinese Herbal Seeds TIAN Pan-pan; LI Wei; CHENG Chao; ZHOU Da-zhai; ZHU Zhao-wu; WANG Xing-ping Journal of Hubei University for Nationalities(Natural Science Edition) (2013) 31(4) 386-389 0.11 weight-%
Camellia oleifera Abel 茶籽油脂肪酸组成及其药用价值 GC . Fatty Acid Composition of Tea Seed Oil and Its Medicinal Value Ruomei Zhang China Tea (1983) (5) 32 0.11 weight-%
Betula platyphylla Sukaczev 红橘种子资源化利用的研究(GC-MS) . Study on the comprehensive utilization of Tangerine Seed Feng Zhu Thesis-Southwest University (2009) 0.11 weight-%
Anemone nemorosa Unpublished unpublished results MRI (1991) 0.11 GLC-Area-%
Camellia oleifera FA and tocopherol composition of Vietnamese oilseeds Matthaus, Bertrand; Vosmann, Klaus; Pham, Long Quoc; Aitzetmüller, Kurt Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (2003) 80 1013-1020 0.11 GLC-Area-%
Phoenix dactylifera Date seeds: Chemical composition and characteristic profiles of the lipid fraction Besbes, S.; Blecker, C.; Deroanne, C.; Drira, N. E.; Attia, H. Food Chemistry (2004) 84 577-584 0.11 GLC-Area-%
Rosa hugonis Hemsl. 蔷薇科10种野生植物籽油脂肪酸研究_罗湘宁 . Content of Fatty Acids in Seed Oil of 10 Wild Plants friom Rosacea Luo Xiangning; An Chengxi; Yang Xuqi Journal of Qinghai Normal University (Natural Science) (1997) (4) 40-43 0.11 weight-%
Cornus officinalis Siebold & Zucc. 山东月见草调查研究 GC . Investigation of Oenothera biennis L. in Shandong Province Bihua Li; Pichan Sun; Shangjun Xing Journal of Shandong Forestry Science and Technology (1989) (2) 64-67 0.11 weight-%
Areca catechu L. 槟榔油的分离及GC_MS分析_张海德 . Isolation of Betel Nut Oil for GC-MS Analysis ZHANG Hai-de; HUANG Yu-lin; HAN Lin Food Science (2009) 30 (22) 298-300 0.11 weight-%
Rosa sweginzowii Koehne 蔷薇科10种野生植物籽油脂肪酸研究_罗湘宁 . Content of Fatty Acids in Seed Oil of 10 Wild Plants friom Rosacea Luo Xiangning; An Chengxi; Yang Xuqi Journal of Qinghai Normal University (Natural Science) (1997) (4) 40-43 0.11 weight-%
Helleborus dumetorum Unpublished unpublished results MRI FSME Fr. Manhart (1997) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Trigonella kotschyi A Comparison of Diosgenin, Phenolics, Fatty Acid Profiles and Mineral Contents with Free Radical Scavenging Activity of Trigonella L. Species from Section Cylindricae Selma 􏰿. Uras G􏱀ngör, Ahmet 􏱁lçim, Gamze Kökdil Records of Natural Products (2017) 11 17-30 0.1 weight-%
Carthamus tinctorius Fatty acid profiles of 80 vegetable oils with regard to their nutritional potential Dubois, V.; Breton, S.; Linder, M.; Fanni, J.; Parmentier, M. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology (2007) 109 710-732 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Capsicum annuum Fatty acid profiles of 80 vegetable oils with regard to their nutritional potential Dubois, V.; Breton, S.; Linder, M.; Fanni, J.; Parmentier, M. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology (2007) 109 710-732 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Oenothera biennis Fatty acid profiles of 80 vegetable oils with regard to their nutritional potential Dubois, V.; Breton, S.; Linder, M.; Fanni, J.; Parmentier, M. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology (2007) 109 710-732 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Digitalis lanata Unpublished unpublished results MRI (1998) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Digitalis purpurea Unpublished unpublished results MRI (1988/1989) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Aquilegia canadensis Unpublished unpublished results MRI (1996) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Rabdosia rubescens (Hemsl.) H. Hara 冻绿种子油脂提取及脂肪酸组成分析-李硕(GC-MS) . Extraction and fatty acid composition of Rhamnus utilis seed oil LI Shuo,TANG Kehua China Oils and Fats (2015) 40(7) 79-82 0.1 weight-%
Trigonella mesopotamica A Comparison of Diosgenin, Phenolics, Fatty Acid Profiles and Mineral Contents with Free Radical Scavenging Activity of Trigonella L. Species from Section Cylindricae Selma 􏰿. Uras G􏱀ngör, Ahmet 􏱁lçim, Gamze Kökdil Records of Natural Products (2017) 11 17-30 0.1 weight-%
Agonandra excelsa Unpublished unpublished results MRI (1997) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Adonis mongolica Unpublished unpublished results MRI (1992) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Adonis mongolica Unpublished unpublished results MRI (1992) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Anemonella thalictroides Unpublished unpublished results MRI (1996) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Actinidia chinensis Planch. 四川油脂植物 Oil Plants in Sichuan. Zongying He, S. C., Zhonghui, T., Xun, Z., Longji, H. Book: Published by Sichuan Science and Technology Press, Chengdu, 1987 (1987) 0.1 weight-%
Larix sibirica New oils: Structural and physiological specificities of conifer seed oils Wolff, RL; Marpeau, AM; Gunstone, FD; Bezard, J; Farines, M; Martin, JC; Dallongeville, J OCL-OLEAGINEUX CORPS GRAS LIPIDES (1997) 4 65-70 0.1 GLC-Area-%