Exploring Phylogenetic Relationships between Hundreds of Plant Fatty Acids Synthesized by Thousands of Plants. more details ...

Delta notation: 22:0

Other Names: 1-Docosanoic acid; B 95; B 95 (acid); Behenic acid; EXL 5; n-Docosanoic acid

Formula: C22 H44 O2

Mass: 340.58

IUPAC name: docosanoic acid

Docosanoic acid
Structure drawn at OPSIN (opsin.ch.cam.uk)

External Database IDs:
CAS registry: 112-85-6
SOFA Mol: M_139
Lipid Maps: LMFA01010022
PubChem: 8215

inchi: InChI=1/C22H44O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22(23)24/h2-21H2,1H3,(H,23,24)/f/h23H

stdinchi: InChI=1S/C22H44O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17-18-19-20-21-22(23)24/h2-21H2,1H3,(H,23,24)




Displaying datapoints 1901 - 1950 of 3609 in total
PlantSort off PublicationSort off ValueSort off UnitSort off
Gentiana decumbens Unpublished unpublished results MRI (1996) 0.4 GLC-Area-%
Capsicum annuum Unpublished unpublished results MRI Bundesforschungsanstalt Muenster (1995) 0.4 GLC-Area-%
Lupinus mutabilis LUPINE - ITS COMPOSITION AND DEVELOPMENT AS A SOURCE OF PROTEINS AND OIL .2. FATTY-ACIDS, AMINO-ACIDS AND MINOR COMPONENTS Lope, J. H.; Peset, J. L.; Angulo, P. A.; Berbel, F. R. Grasas Y Aceites (1985) 36 98-104 0.4 GLC-Area-%
Coffea heterocalyx Stoff. Effectiveness of the fatty acid and sterol composition of seeds for the chemotaxonomy of Coffea subgenus Coffea Dussert, Stéphane; Laffargue, Andréina; Kochko, Alexandre de; Joët, Thierry Phytochemistry (2008) 69 2950-2960 0.4 weight-%
Hydnocarpus anthelminticus Lipids in plant tissue cultures II. Unusual fatty acids in lipids of Hydnocarpus anthelminthica cultures Spener, F.; Staba, E.J.; Mangold, H.K. Chemistry and Physics of Lipids (1974,7) 12 344-350 0.4 GLC-Area-%
Echinacea pallida Characteristics of Echinacea seed oil Oomah, B. D.; Dumon, D.; Cardador-Martínez, A.; Godfrey, D. V. Food Chemistry (2006) 96 304-312 0.4 weight-%
Cerinthe gymnandra Unpublished unpublished results MRI Bundesforschungsanstalt Muenster (1997) 0.4 GLC-Area-%
Primula elatior Unpublished unpublished results MRI 1991 0.4 GLC-Area-%
Treculia africana Fatty acid composition of seed oils from selected wild plants of Kahuzi-Biega National Park and surroundings, Democratic Republic of Congo Minzangi, K.; Kaaya, A. N.; Kansiime, F.; Tabuti, J. R. S.; Samvura, B.; Grahl-Nielsen, O. African J. Food Sci. (2011) 5 219-226 0.4 weight-%
Thuja plicata Chemotaxonomic differentiation of conifer families and genera based on the seed oil fatty acid compositions: Multivariate analyses Wolff, R. L.; Deluc, L. G.; Marpeau, A. M.; Comps, B. Trees - Structure and Function (1997) 12 57-65 0.4 GLC-Area-%
Pendulina lagascana Search for new industrial oils. XIII. Oils from 102 species of cruciferae Miller, R. W.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Jones, Q. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1965) 42 817-821 0.4 GLC-Area-%
Cuphea viscosissima A comprehensive review on properties of edible and non-edible vegetable oil-based biodiesel: Composition, specifications and prediction models Sajjadi, Baharak; Raman, Abdul Aziz Abdul; Arandiyan, Hamidreza Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (2016) 63 62-92 0.4 weight-%
Callitris columellaris The fatty acid composition of gymnospermae seed and leaf oils Vickery, J. R.; Whitfield, F. B.; Ford, G. L.; Kennett, B. H. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1984) 61 573-575 0.4 GLC-Area-%
Lamium purpureum Unpublished Aitzetmueller, K. unpublished results (1999) 0.4 GLC-Area-%
Litchi chinensis? Unpublished unpublished results MRI (1991) 0.4 GLC-Area-%
Amethystea coerulea Unpublished unpublished results MRI (1995) 0.4 GLC-Area-%
Crataegus monogyna FATTY-ACID COMPOSITION OF SEED OILS FROM SPONTANEOUS SPECIES OF THE MEDITERRANEAN SOUTH-EAST AREA Ferlay, V.; Mallet, G.; Masson, A.; Ucciani, E.; Gruber, M. Oleagineux (1993) 48 91-97 0.4 GLC-Area-%
Alyssum murale Search for new industrial oils. XIII. Oils from 102 species of cruciferae Miller, R. W.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Jones, Q. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1965) 42 817-821 0.4 GLC-Area-%
Vitis vinifera Quantitation of the Main Constituents of Some Authentic Grape-Seed Oils of Different Origin Crews, Colin; Hough, Patrick; Godward, John; Brereton, Paul; Lees, Michelle; Guiet, Sebastien; Winkelmann, Wilfried J. Agric. Food Chem. (2006,8) 54 6261-6265 0.4 GLC-Area-%
Onobrychis huetiana A study of the fatty acid and tocochromanol patterns of some Fabaceae (Leguminosae) plants from Turkey I Bagci, Eyup; Bruehl, Ludger; Özçelik, Hasan; Aitzetmuller, Kurt; Vural, Mecit; Sahim, Ahmet Grasas y Aceites (2004) 55 0.4 weight-%
Solanum melongena L. 茄子籽中脂肪酸的GC_MS分析_孙丽阳 . Analysis of Fatty Acids in Seed of Eggplant by GC-MS SUN Li-yang; TAO Jing; LUO Wei-wei; HAI Chun-mei; LI Tie-chun JOURNAL OF ANSHAN NORMAL UNIVERSITY (2010) 12(2) 20-22 0.4 weight-%
Ceiba pentandra The Characteristics of the Kapok (Ceiba pentadra, Gaertn.) Seed Oil Berry; S.K. Pertanika (1979) 2 1 0.4 GLC-Area-%
Lepidium draba Search for new industrial oils. XIII. Oils from 102 species of cruciferae Miller, R. W.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Jones, Q. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1965) 42 817-821 0.4 GLC-Area-%
Coreopsis tinctoria Oil and protein content, and oil composition of the seeds of some plants of the Canadian prairies Coxworth, E. C. M. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1965) 42 891-894 0.4 GLC-Area-%
Tamarindus indica Oil content and fatty acid composition of some underutilized legumes from Nigeria Ajayi, I. A.; Oderinde, R. A.; Kajogbola, D. O.; Uponi, J. I. Food Chemistry (2006) 99 115-120 0.39 GLC-Area-%
Abies lasiocarpa Chemotaxonomic differentiation of conifer families and genera based on the seed oil fatty acid compositions: Multivariate analyses Wolff, R. L.; Deluc, L. G.; Marpeau, A. M.; Comps, B. Trees - Structure and Function (1997) 12 57-65 0.39 GLC-Area-%
Abies lasiocarpa Chemotaxonomic differentiation of conifer families and genera based on the seed oil fatty acid compositions: Multivariate analyses Wolff, R. L.; Deluc, L. G.; Marpeau, A. M.; Comps, B. Trees - Structure and Function (1997) 12 57-65 0.39 GLC-Area-%
Keteleeria davidiana Private communication, 1999 Pasquier, E. Private communication (1999) 0.39 GLC-Area-%
Abies pinsapo Chemotaxonomic differentiation of conifer families and genera based on the seed oil fatty acid compositions: Multivariate analyses Wolff, R. L.; Deluc, L. G.; Marpeau, A. M.; Comps, B. Trees - Structure and Function (1997) 12 57-65 0.39 GLC-Area-%
Armeniaca vulgaris Lam. 续随子油脂肪酸组成分析_危文亮 . Fatty acid composition analysis of Euphorbia lathyris L. seed oil WEI Wen-liang; JIN Meng-yang; MA Chong; FENG Shun-shan China Oils and Fats (2007) 32(5) 70-71 0.39 weight-%
Portulaca oleracea Fatty acids and β-carotene in Australian purslane (Portulaca oleracea) varieties Liu, Lixia; Howe, Peter; Zhou, Ye-Fang; Xu, Zhi-Qiang; Hocart, Charles; Zhang, Ren Journal of Chromatography A (2000,9) 893 207-213 0.39 GLC-Area-%
Canavalia ensiformis FA and tocopherol composition of Vietnamese oilseeds Matthaus, Bertrand; Vosmann, Klaus; Pham, Long Quoc; Aitzetmüller, Kurt Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (2003) 80 1013-1020 0.39 GLC-Area-%
Punica granatum TOTAL LIPIDS CONTENT AND FATTY-ACID COMPOSITION OF SEED OILS FROM 6 POMEGRANATE CULTIVARS Melgarejo, P.; Salazar, D. M.; Amoros, A.; Artes, F. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (1995) 69 253-256 0.38 GLC-Area-%
Salvia euphratica Fatty Acid and Tocochromanol Patterns of Some Salvia L. species Bagci, Eyup; Vural, Mecit; Dirmenci, Tuncay; Bruehl, Ludger; Aitzetmüller, Kurt Zeitschrift für Naturforschung C (2004) 59 0.38 weight-%
Pyrus ussuriensis Maxim. 南果梨果实各部位脂肪酸组成GC_MS分析_张博 . Analysis of Fatty Acids in Different Parts from Nanguoli Pear Fruits by GC-MS ZHANG Bo; FENG Fan; XIN Guang; LI Tie-chun  FOOD SCIENCE (2010) 31(20) 410-412 0.38 weight-%
Diospyros kaki Nature of the lipids in the germ and reserve tissues of seeds Lotti, G.; Galoppini, C. Rivista Italiana delle Sostanze Grasse (1965) 42 289-97 0.38 GLC-Area-%
Xylocarpus moluccensis The utilization of Xylocarpus moluccensis seed oil as biodiesel feedstock in Indonesia Gunawan, Setiyo; Wasista, Hakun Wira; Kuswandi, K.; Widjaja, Arief; Ju, Yi-Hsu Industrial Crops and Products (2014) 52 286-291 0.37 weight-%
Sophora davidii (Franch.) Skeels 狼紫草籽油中脂肪酸组成的研究_杨绪启 . Studies on the Composition of Fatty Acids in Lycopsis Orientalis L. Seed Oil Xuqi Yang; Chengxi An; Fachun Wang; Xueping Wang China Oils and Fats (1998) 23(2) 57-58 0.37 weight-%
Abies veitchii Private communication Wolff, R. L. Private communication (1999) 0.37 GLC-Area-%
Lonicera japonica Thunb. 金银花种子中脂溶性成分分析_陈德经 . GC-MS Analysis of Liposoluble Components in Honeysuckle Seeds CHEN De-jing  Food Science (2009) 30(22) 321-323 0.36 weight-%
Celosia cristata L. 火麻籽及其油的理化性质研究_虞剑泉 . Physicochemical properties of hemp seed and its oils YU Jianquan; YU Xiuzhu; X Chen; DU Shuangkui China Oils and Fats (2012) 37(4) 84-87 0.36 weight-%
Lathyrus saxatilis (Vent.) Vis. FATTY ACID PATTERNS OF THE SEED OILS OF SOME LATHYRUS SPECIES L. (PAPILIONIDEAE) FROM TURKEY, A CHEMOTAXONOMIC APPROACH Bagci, Eyüp; Sahin, Ahmet Pak. J. Bot. (2004) 36 403-413 0.36 weight-%
Adansonia digitata Fat content and fatty acid composition of oils extracted from selected wild-gathered tropical plant seeds from Nigeria Ikechukwu E. Ezeagu, Klaus J. Petzke, Erika Lange, Cornelia C. Metges Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1998) 75 1031-1035 0.36 GLC-Area-%
Alkanna froedinii Fatty acid and tocochromanol patterns of some Turkish Boraginaceae—a chemotaxonomic approach Bagci, Eyup; Bruehl, Ludger; Aitzetmuller, Kurt; Altan, Yasin Nordic Journal of Botany (2002) 22 719-726 0.36 weight-%
Bothriospermum chinense Bunge 班种草籽油中脂肪酸组成的研究_王雪萍 . Studies on the composition of fatty acids in Bothriospermum Bunge. Seeds oil Wang Xueping; An Chengxi; Yang Xuqi; Wang Fachun; Yu Xu; Song Ning Journal of Qinghai Normal University (Natural Science) (2002) (2) 370-374 0.36 weight-%
Cryptomeria japonica Private communication, 1999 Pasquier, E. Private communication (1999) 0.36 GLC-Area-%
Celosia cristata L. 火麻籽及其油的理化性质研究_虞剑泉 . Physicochemical properties of hemp seed and its oils YU Jianquan; YU Xiuzhu; X Chen; DU Shuangkui China Oils and Fats (2012) 37(4) 84-87 0.35 weight-%
Abies nobilis Conifer seeds: Oil content and fatty acid composition Wolff, R. L.; Deluc, L. G.; Marpeau, A. M. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society (1996) 73 765-771 0.35 GLC-Area-%
Cannabis sativa A Chemotaxonomic Approach to the Fatty Acid and Tocochromanol Content of Cannabis sativa L. (Cannabaceae) Bagci, Eyüp; Bruehl, Ludger; Aitzetmuller, Kurt; Altan, Yasin Turk J Bot (2003) 27 141-147 0.35 weight-%