Exploring Phylogenetic Relationships between Hundreds of Plant Fatty Acids Synthesized by Thousands of Plants. more details ...

Delta notation: 18:3

Other Names: structure ambiguous

Formula: C18H30O2

Mass: 278.22

Octadecatrienoic acid
Structure drawn at OPSIN (opsin.ch.cam.uk)

External Database IDs:
CAS registry:
SOFA Mol: M_089
Lipid Maps: ambiguous






Displaying datapoints 2201 - 2250 of 3000 in total
PlantSort off PublicationSort off ValueSort off UnitSort off
Cakile edentula Search for new industrial oils. V. Oils of cruciferae Mikolajczak, K. L.; Miwa, T. K.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Jones, Q. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society (1961) 38 678-681 18.0 GLC-Area-%
Enarthrocarpus strangulatus Search for new industrial oils. XIII. Oils from 102 species of cruciferae Miller, R. W.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Jones, Q. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1965) 42 817-821 18.0 GLC-Area-%
Onosma sericea Search for new industrial oils. XI. Oils of boraginaceae Kleiman, R.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Jones, Q. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1964) 41 459-460 18.0 GLC-Area-%
Arabidopsis thaliana Stereospecific analysis and mass spectrometry of triacylglycerols from arabidopsis thaliana (L.) heynh. columbia seed Taylor, D. C.; Giblin, E. M.; Reed, D. W.; Hogge, L. R. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1995) 72 305-308 18.0 GLC-Area-%
Rhus succedanea MAJOR FATTY-ACID CONTENTS OF HAZE WAX CHANGES DURING THE GROWTH AND STORAGE PERIODS OF HAZE SEEDS Xu, J. S.; Meguro, S.; Kawachi, S. Mokuzai Gakkaishi (1990) 36 133-138 18.01 GLC-Area-%
Pinus densiflora Siebold & Zucc. 河南油脂植物 Oil Plants in Henan Junpu Zhang, J. L., and Huaishan W. Book: China’s International Broadcasting Press. (1996) 18.15 weight-%
Trichodesma zeylanicum Fatty acid composition of 20 lesser-known Western Australian seed oils Rao, K Sundar; Sino, D Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (1992) 58 585-587 18.2 GLC-Area-%
Thlaspi arvense Chemotaxonomic value of tocopherols in Brassicaceae Goffman, F. D.; Thies, W.; Velasco, L. Phytochemistry (1999) 50 793-798 18.2 GLC-Area-%
Lucuma salicifolia Oil-bearing plants of Zaire. II. Botanical families providing oils of medium unsaturation Ngiefu, C. K.; Paquot, C.; Vieux, A. Oleagineux (1976) 31 545-547 18.4 GLC-Area-%
Arabidopsis thaliana Stereospecific analysis and mass spectrometry of triacylglycerols from arabidopsis thaliana (L.) heynh. columbia seed Taylor, D. C.; Giblin, E. M.; Reed, D. W.; Hogge, L. R. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1995) 72 305-308 18.5 GLC-Area-%
Rhus succedanea MAJOR FATTY-ACID CONTENTS OF HAZE WAX CHANGES DURING THE GROWTH AND STORAGE PERIODS OF HAZE SEEDS Xu, J. S.; Meguro, S.; Kawachi, S. Mokuzai Gakkaishi (1990) 36 133-138 18.57 GLC-Area-%
Muricaria prostrata Fatty acid spectrum of mediterranean wild cruciferae Kumar, P. R.; Tsunoda, S. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1978) 55 320-323 18.6 GLC-Area-%
Cannabis sativa Gaschromatographische und quantitativ dunnschichtchromatographische Untersuchungen zur Beurteilung der Reinheit von Pflanzenolen und -Fetten Piorr, W. Lebensmittelchemie und Gerichtl. Chemie (1968) 22 175 18.6 GLC-Area-%
Basella rubra Constituents of Basella rubra seed oil Banerjee, A. K.; Mamta, Jain; Vibha, Dubey Fitoterapia (1992) 63 377-377 18.6 GLC-Area-%
Pinus taiwanensis Hayata 河南油脂植物 Oil Plants in Henan Junpu Zhang, J. L., and Huaishan W. Book: China’s International Broadcasting Press. (1996) 18.7 weight-%
Nymphaea stellata Chemical investigation on Nymphaea stellata seed oil Sherwani, M. R. K.; Mukarram, M.; Ahmad, I.; Osman, S. M. Journal of the Oil Technologists' Association of India (Mumbai, India) (1983) 15 4-5 18.8 GLC-Area-%
Sebastiania ligustrina Highly optically active triglycerides of Sebastiana ligustrina and related species Heimermann, W. H.; Holman, R. T. Phytochemistry (1972) 11 799-802 18.8 GLC-Area-%
Brassica repanda Fatty acid spectrum of mediterranean wild cruciferae Kumar, P. R.; Tsunoda, S. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1978) 55 320-323 18.9 GLC-Area-%
Abrus precatorius FATTY-ACID COMPOSITION OF SOME OILS FROM SENEGALESE SEEDS Miralles, J.; Pares, Y. Revue Francaise Des Corps Gras (1980) 27 393-396 18.9 GLC-Area-%
Diplotaxis tenuisiliqua Fatty acid spectrum of mediterranean wild cruciferae Kumar, P. R.; Tsunoda, S. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1978) 55 320-323 19.0 GLC-Area-%
Cheiranthus cheiri The fatty acid composition of various cruciferous seeds Jart, A. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1978) 55 873-875 19.0 GLC-Area-%
Microsisymbrium lasiophyllum Search for new industrial oils. XIII. Oils from 102 species of cruciferae Miller, R. W.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Jones, Q. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1965) 42 817-821 19.0 GLC-Area-%
Piper sp. INDIAN SEED OILS .8. COMPONENT FATTY ACIDS OF SOME SEED FATS OF PIPERACEAE Bedi, K. L.; Atal, C. K.; Achaya, K. T. Lloydia (1971) 34 256-& 19.0 GLC-Area-%
Hevea brasiliensis Oil-bearing plants of Zaire. III. Botanical families providing oils of relatively high unsaturation Ngiefu, C. K.; Paquot, C.; Vieux, A. Oleagineux (1977) 32 535-537 19.1 GLC-Area-%
Cedrela odorata Fatty acid composition of seed oils of some members of the meliaceae and combretaceae families Balogun, A. M.; Fetuga, B. L. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society (1985) 62 529-531 19.1 GLC-Area-%
Brassica nigra Chemotaxonomic value of tocopherols in Brassicaceae Goffman, F. D.; Thies, W.; Velasco, L. Phytochemistry (1999) 50 793-798 19.2 GLC-Area-%
Sinapis arvensis Chemotaxonomic value of tocopherols in Brassicaceae Goffman, F. D.; Thies, W.; Velasco, L. Phytochemistry (1999) 50 793-798 19.3 GLC-Area-%
Delphinium denudatum THE STEROLS AND FATTY-ACIDS OF DELPHINIUM DENUDATUM ROOTS Asif, M.; Tariq, M.; Tamanna, S. A.; Ahmad, M. U. Fette Seifen Anstrichmittel (1981) 83 323-324 19.3 GLC-Area-%
Hackelia americana Oil and protein content, and oil composition of the seeds of some plants of the Canadian prairies Coxworth, E. C. M. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1965) 42 891-894 19.3 GLC-Area-%
Dacryodes edulis Lost Crops of Africa, Vol. III, Fruits Ucciani, E. Busson, F. Lost Crops of Africa, Vol. III, Fruits (1963) None None 19.4 GLC-Area-%
Celastrus paniculatus (S)-1,2-diacyl-3-acetins: Optically active triglycerides from Euonymus verrucosus seed oil Kleiman, R.; Miller, R. W.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A. Lipids (1967) 2 473-478 19.5 GLC-Area-%
Eruca sativa Chemotaxonomic value of tocopherols in Brassicaceae Goffman, F. D.; Thies, W.; Velasco, L. Phytochemistry (1999) 50 793-798 19.5 GLC-Area-%
Sechium sp. Fatty acid composition of vegetable pear seed oil (google translate) Tsikoridze, N. G. Maslo-Zhir. Prom-st. (1974) 9 14 19.5 GLC-Area-%
Rhus succedanea MAJOR FATTY-ACID CONTENTS OF HAZE WAX CHANGES DURING THE GROWTH AND STORAGE PERIODS OF HAZE SEEDS Xu, J. S.; Meguro, S.; Kawachi, S. Mokuzai Gakkaishi (1990) 36 133-138 19.57 GLC-Area-%
Anchusa capensis Search for new industrial oils. I. Selected oils from 24 plant families Earle, F. R.; Melvin, E. H.; Mason, L. H.; van Etten, C. H.; Wolff, I. A.; Jones, Q. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society (1959) 36 304-307 19.6 GLC-Area-%
Musa paradisiaca Unpublished unpublished results MRI Bundesforschungsanstalt Muenster (1977) 19.6 GLC-Area-%
Ribes orientale New sources of γ-linolenic acid Wolf, R. B.; Kleiman, R.; England, R. E. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1983) 60 1858-1860 19.6 GLC-Area-%
Ribes orientale New sources of γ-linolenic acid Wolf, R. B.; Kleiman, R.; England, R. E. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1983) 60 1858-1860 19.6 GLC-Area-%
Rhus succedanea MAJOR FATTY-ACID CONTENTS OF HAZE WAX CHANGES DURING THE GROWTH AND STORAGE PERIODS OF HAZE SEEDS Xu, J. S.; Meguro, S.; Kawachi, S. Mokuzai Gakkaishi (1990) 36 133-138 19.7 GLC-Area-%
Cattleya unknown Characterization of the lipids of some orchids Holman, R. T.; Nichols, P. C. Phytochemistry (1972) 11 333-337 19.7 GLC-Area-%
Pectocarya platycarpa New sources of γ-linolenic acid Wolf, R. B.; Kleiman, R.; England, R. E. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1983) 60 1858-1860 19.9 GLC-Area-%
Dodecatheon meadia Δ6-Unsaturated fatty acids in species and tissues of the Primulaceae Sayanova, O.; Napier, J. A.; Shewry, P. R. Phytochemistry (1999) 52 419-422 19.9 GLC-Area-%
Anchusa officinalis Search for new seed oils. XV. Oils of boraginaceae Miller, R. W.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Barclay, A. S. Lipids (1968) 3 43-45 20.0 GLC-Area-%
Malcolmia flexuosa The fatty acid composition of various cruciferous seeds Jart, A. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1978) 55 873-875 20.0 GLC-Area-%
Amoora rohituka Oil plants of Zaire. I. Botanical families giving oils of relatively low unsaturation Kabele Ngiefu, C.; Paquot, C.; Vieux, A. Oleagineux (1976) 31 335-337 20.0 GLC-Area-%
Isatis aleppica Search for new industrial oils. XIII. Oils from 102 species of cruciferae Miller, R. W.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Jones, Q. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1965) 42 817-821 20.0 GLC-Area-%
Rapistrum rugosum Search for new industrial oils. XIII. Oils from 102 species of cruciferae Miller, R. W.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Jones, Q. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1965) 42 817-821 20.0 GLC-Area-%
Caulanthus inflatus Search for new industrial oils. XIII. Oils from 102 species of cruciferae Miller, R. W.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Jones, Q. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1965) 42 817-821 20.0 GLC-Area-%
Salvia montbretii Search for new industrial oils. XIV. Seed oils of labiatae Hagemann, J. M.; Earle, F. R.; Wolff, I. A.; Barclay, A. S. Lipids (1967) 2 371-380 20.0 GLC-Area-%
Hevea brasiliensis Der Schleppdampf-(Einblasedampf-) Verbrauch bei der ein- und zweistufigen destillativen Entsauerung Liebing, H. Lau, J. Seifen-Oele-Fette-Wachse (1971) 97 387 20.0 GLC-Area-%