Exploring Phylogenetic Relationships between Hundreds of Plant Fatty Acids Synthesized by Thousands of Plants. more details ...

Delta notation: 17:0

Other Names: Margaric acid; Margarinic acid; NSC 3743; n-Heptadecanoic acid; n-Heptadecoic acid; n-Heptadecylic acid

Formula: C17 H34 O2

Mass: 270.45

IUPAC name: heptadecanoic acid

Heptadecanoic acid
Structure drawn at OPSIN (opsin.ch.cam.uk)

External Database IDs:
CAS registry: 506-12-7
SOFA Mol: M_052
Lipid Maps: LMFA01010017
PubChem: 10465

inchi: InChI=1/C17H34O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17(18)19/h2-16H2,1H3,(H,18,19)/f/h18H

stdinchi: InChI=1S/C17H34O2/c1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-13-14-15-16-17(18)19/h2-16H2,1H3,(H,18,19)




Displaying datapoints 851 - 900 of 2131 in total
PlantSort off PublicationSort off ValueSort off UnitSort off
Hippophae rhamnoides Unpublished unpublished results MRI Fettextr. Xin (1998) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Carthamus tinctorius Unpublished unpublished results MRI Bundesforschungsanstalt Muenster (1979) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Geranium sylvaticum Unpublished unpublished results MRI (1996) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Geum aleppicum Unpublished unpublished results MRI (1991) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Astragalus fraxinifolius Fatty acid composition of some Astragalus species from Turkey Bagci, E. Chemistry of Natural Compounds (2006) 42 645-648 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Aquilegia canadensis Unpublished unpublished results MRI (1996) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Chamaecyparis pisifera cis-5-olefinic unusual fatty acids in seed lipids of gymnospermae and their distribution in triacylglycerols Takagi, T.; Itabashi, Y. Lipids (1982) 17 716-723 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Glycine hispida Book: Manual of Gas-liquid Chromatography of Organic Acids (in Russian) Gorjaev, M. I. Evdakova, N. A. Book: Spravočnik po gazožidkostnoj chromatografii organičeskich kislot (1977) Nauka Alma-Ata None 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Nicotiana tabacum Tobacco seed oil as an alternative diesel fuel: Physical and chemical properties Giannelos, P. N.; Zannikos, F.; Stournas, S.; Lois, E.; Anastopoulos, G. Industrial Crops and Products (2002) 16 1-9 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Corylus avellana Unpublished unpublished results MRI (1979) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Nigella bucharica Unpublished unpublished results MRI Bundesforschungsanstalt Muenster (1997) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Pseudotsuga menziesii Cyclopropenoic fatty acids in gymnosperms: The seed oil of Welwitschia Aitzetmuller, K.; Vosmann, K. Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society (1998) 75 1761-1765 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Momordica balsamina Influence of ripening and environment on the seed oil of Momordica balsamina L Lotti, G.; Izzo, R.; Nicolini, F. Rivista Italiana delle Sostanze Grasse (1973) 50 425-433 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Lantana spp. Unpublished unpublished results MRI (1996) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Cannabis sativa Unpublished unpublished results MRI Bundesforschungsanstalt Muenster (1996) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Hippophae rhamnoides Unpublished unpublished results MRI Fettextr. Xin (1997) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Gentiana cruciata Unpublished unpublished results MRI (1996) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Gentiana decumbens Unpublished unpublished results MRI (1996) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Sinapis juncea Book: Manual of Gas-liquid Chromatography of Organic Acids (in Russian) Gorjaev, M. I. Evdakova, N. A. Book: Spravočnik po gazožidkostnoj chromatografii organičeskich kislot (1977) Nauka Alma-Ata None 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Primula auricula Unpublished unpublished results MRI 1996 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Primula elatior Unpublished unpublished results MRI 1991 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Ribes nigrum Stearidonic acid (18:4ω3) in Primula florindae Aitzetmüller, K.; Werner, Gisela Phytochemistry (1991,1) 30 4011-4013 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Lithospermum erythrorhizon Unpublished unpublished results MRI (1996) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Anemone rivularis Unpublished unpublished results MRI (1996) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Quercus suber Characterisation of acorn oils extracted by hexane and by supercritical carbon dioxide Lopes, I. M. G.; Bernardo-Gil, M. G. European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology (2005) 107 12-19 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Hippophae neurocarpa Unpublished unpublished results MRI Fett extr. Xin (1998) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Nigella unknown Unpublished unpublished results MRI Bundesforschungsanstalt Muenster (1996) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Adansonia grandidieri Fatty acid composition of seed oils from six Adansonia species with particular reference to cyclopropane and cyclopropene acids Ralaimanarivo, A.; Gaydou, E. M.; Bianchini, J. P. Lipids (1982) 17 1-10 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Momordica balsamina Influence of ripening and environment on the seed oil of Momordica balsamina L Lotti, G.; Izzo, R.; Nicolini, F. Rivista Italiana delle Sostanze Grasse (1973) 50 425-433 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Momordica balsamina Influence of ripening and environment on the seed oil of Momordica balsamina L Lotti, G.; Izzo, R.; Nicolini, F. Rivista Italiana delle Sostanze Grasse (1973) 50 425-433 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Momordica balsamina Influence of ripening and environment on the seed oil of Momordica balsamina L Lotti, G.; Izzo, R.; Nicolini, F. Rivista Italiana delle Sostanze Grasse (1973) 50 425-433 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Gentiana lutea Unpublished unpublished results MRI (1996) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Corylus avellana Unpublished unpublished results MRI (1979) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Allium sphaerocephalon Unpublished Aitzetmueller, K. unpublished results (1998) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Cynoglossum officinale Unpublished unpublished results MRI (1996) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Hippophae rhamnoides Unpublished unpublished results MRI Fettextr. Xin (1998) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Primula pulverulenta Stearidonic acid (18:4ω3) in Primula florindae Aitzetmüller, K.; Werner, Gisela Phytochemistry (1991,1) 30 4011-4013 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Gentiana asclepiadea Unpublished unpublished results MRI (1996) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Atuna racemosa Unpublished Aitzetmueller, K. unpublished results (1999) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Hippophae neurocarpa Unpublished unpublished results MRI Fett extr. Xin (1998) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Momordica balsamina Influence of ripening and environment on the seed oil of Momordica balsamina L Lotti, G.; Izzo, R.; Nicolini, F. Rivista Italiana delle Sostanze Grasse (1973) 50 425-433 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Hippophae rhamnoides Unpublished unpublished results MRI Proben Xin, 1995 (1996) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Hippophae rhamnoides Unpublished unpublished results MRI Proben Xin, 1995 (1996) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Hippophae rhamnoides Unpublished unpublished results MRI Proben Xin, 1995 (1996) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Abutilon auritum The fatty acid composition of seed oils from ten plant families with particular reference to cyclopropene and dihydrosterculic acids Vickery, J. R. Journal of the American Oil Chemists' Society (1980) 57 87-91 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Larix occidentalis Unpublished Aitzetmueller, K. Wolff, R. L. unpublished results (1999) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Rhinanthus songaricus Unpublished unpublished results MRI (1994) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Dipsacus fullonum Unpublished unpublished results MRI (1996) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Dracocephalum sp. Unpublished unpublished results MRI (1995) 0.1 GLC-Area-%
Hippophae rhamnoides Unpublished unpublished results MRI Proben Xin, 1995 (1996) 0.1 GLC-Area-%