Remarks: Ref. in: G. Lognay u. a.: Riv. Ital. Sost. Grasse 65, 291 (1988)
lt. U.: Poaceae
Syn.: P. glaucum
'Mil a`chandelle'
Sum of all percentage values: 114,2 %
8 Proben
16:0 = 19,6 - 23,4 %
16:1 = 0,4 - 0,8 %
18:0 = 2,6 - 5,5 %
18:1 = 22,1 - 32,1 %
18:2 = 38,9
NOTE: Sum of FA weight% is >110%; suggests possible data entry error
Plant: Pennisetum americanum
Remarks: ca. 4-5 %
lt. Z.: S. bicolor
8 Sorten
Sum of all percentage values: 114.2 %
16:0 = 19.6-23.4 %
16:1 = 0.4-0.8 %
18:0 = 2.6-5.5 %
18:1 = 22.1-32.1 %
18:2 = 38.9-48.4 %
18:3 = 2.2-4.0 %
NOTE: Sum of FA weight% is >110%; suggests possible data entry error
Plant: Sorghum vulgare