Exploring Phylogenetic Relationships between Hundreds of Plant Fatty Acids Synthesized by Thousands of Plants. more details ...
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Ahmad, M. U.; Husain, S. K.; Ahmad, I.; Osman, S. M. 1979 HIBISCUS-SABDARIFFA SEED OIL - REINVESTIGATION Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 30 424-428 10.1002/jsfa.2740300412 WOS:A1979GW94700011 10
Kaufmann, H.P. Salama, R. 1969 Jahresbericht der Bundesanstalt fuer Fettforschung: Institut fur Technologie und Biochemie Jahresbericht der Bundesanstalt fuer Fettforschung None N 18 PFA:11558 5
Sarojini, G.; Rao, K. C.; Tulpule, P. G.; Lakshminarayana, G. 1985 EFFECTS OF PROCESSING ON PHYSICOCHEMICAL PROPERTIES AND FATTY-ACID COMPOSITION OF HIBISCUS-SABDARIFFA SEED OIL Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society 62 728-730 WOS:A1985AFJ2700310 29
Sebedio, J. L.; Grandgirard, A. 1989 Cyclic fatty acids: Natural sources, formation durin heat treatment, synthesis and biological properties Progress in Lipid Research 28 303-336 10.1016/0163-7827(89)90003-9 WOS:A1989DP23600003 6
Shoeb, Z. E. 1970 Chemical composition of Anona squamosa, Hyoscyamus niger and Hibiscus sabdariffa seed oils Grasas y Aceites 21 270-71 FSTA:1971-04-N-0164 3