Remarks: Ref. in: C. A. 80, 5150k (1974)
Sum of all percentage values: 109,5 %
18:0 = 1,6-11,1 %
Plant: Plumeria acuminata
Remarks: Ref. in: C. A. 80, 5150k (1974)
Gelber Oleander
lt. Z.: Th. peruviana
Sum of the specified fatty acids: 91.8 %
Plant: Thevetia neriifolia
Remarks: Ref. in: R. A. Oderinde, G. R. Oladimeji: Riv. Ital. Sost. Grasse 67, 635-637 (1990)
'fixed oil'
Syn.: T. neriifolia
Sum of the specified fatty acids: 91.8 %
Plant: Thevetia peruviana
Remarks: ref.: C. A. 80, 5150k (1974)
Sum of the specified fatty acids: 99.9 %
18:0 = 1,6-11,1 %
Plant: Vallaris solanacea