Exploring Phylogenetic Relationships between Hundreds of Plant Fatty Acids Synthesized by Thousands of Plants. more details ...
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Muuse, B. G.; Essers, M. L.; Vansoest, L. J. M. 1988 OENOTHERA SPECIES AND BORAGO-OFFICINALIS - SOURCES OF GAMMA-LINOLENIC ACID Netherlands Journal of Agricultural Science 36 357-363 WOS:A1988R931800004 6
Pina, M.; Graille, J.; Grignac, P.; Lacombe, A.; Quenot, O.; Garnier, P. 1984 RESEARCH ON OENOTHERA RICH IN GAMMA-LINOLENIC ACID Oleagineux 39 593-596 WOS:A1984AEE9400006 21