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Batra, A.; Porwal, M.; Bokadia, M. M.; Mehta, B. K. 1986 REINVESTIGATION OF ALLIUM-CEPA SEED OIL Grasas Y Aceites 37 42-43 WOS:A1986C173500010 13
IFTIKHAR AHMAD, ZAFAR IQBAL and A. KABIR QURESHI 1988 Physico-chemical Studies of the Oil of Allium cepa Seeds J. Nat. Sci. Math. 28 179-185 PFA:11360 6
Reddy, P. N.; Azeemoddin, G.; Rao, S. D. T. 1989 PROCESSING AND ANALYSIS OF ONIONSEED (ALLIUM-CEPA) AND ITS FIXED OIL Journal of the American Oil Chemists Society 66 365-365 WOS:A1989T728000012 6