Exploring Phylogenetic Relationships between Hundreds of Plant Fatty Acids Synthesized by Thousands of Plants. more details ...
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Earle, F. R.; Jones, Q. 1962 Analyses of seed samples from 113 plant families Economic Botany 16 221-250 10.1007/BF02860181 BCI:BCI19634300015979 1
Stoller, E. W.; Weber, E. J. 1970 LIPID CONSTITUENTS OF SOME COMMON WEED SEEDS Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 18 361-& 10.1021/jf60169a005 WOS:A1970G228400008 26
Xu, S.; Patterson, G. W.; Schmid, K. 1986 Sterols of amaranthaceae Phytochemistry 25 1883-1886 10.1016/S0031-9422(00)81167-X WOS:A1986D677100017 0
Aitzetmueller, K. 1999 Unpublished unpublished results 15