Exploring Phylogenetic Relationships between Hundreds of Plant Fatty Acids Synthesized by Thousands of Plants.
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(+)-Methyl vernolate constitutes 52% of the methyl esters formed by transmethylating the oil of Erlangea tomentosa seed. Thin layer chromatography fractionated the oil into trivernolin, divernolins, monovernolins and nonvernolate glycerides. Pancreatic lipolyses of the monovernolins and the divernolins followed by transmethylation of the monoglycerides indicated the presence of 34 vernolate glycerides above the 0.1% level, grouped as follows: α-monovernolins, 15%; β-monovernolins, 3%; α,α′-divernolins, 10%; α,β-divernolins, 37%; trivernolin, 16%; and nonvernolate glycerides, 19%. © 1969 The American Oil Chemists' Society.
Authors: Phillips, B. E.; Smith Jr, C. R.; Hagemann, J. W.
Journal: Lipids
Year: 1969
Volume: 4
Page: 473-477
UID: WOS:A1969F330500014
DOI: 10.1007/BF02531027