Exploring Phylogenetic Relationships between Hundreds of Plant Fatty Acids Synthesized by Thousands of Plants. more details ...
Abstract The physicochemical properties and chemical components of the fixed oils of the seeds of Ocimum sanctum and Salvia aegyptica both belonging to N.O. Labiateae were investigated. The amount of the oil extracted from their seeds were 18.2 and 17.4% respectively. The fatty acid composition of the seed oils of Ocimum sanctum and Salvia aegyptica were determined by GLC and it revealed the presence of capric (0.00, 1.34 %), lauric (2.84, 0.00 %), myristic (1.90, 0.00 %), palmitic (5.54, 9.42%), stearic (3.12, 3.18 %), oleic (6.00, 0.00 %), linoleic (59.1, 84.53 %), linolenic (21.7, 0.00 %), and arachidic (0.00, 1.53 %) acids respectively.

Authors: Malik, M. S.; Rafique, M.; Sattar, A.; Khan, S. A.

Journal: Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research

Year: 1987

Volume: 30

Page: 369-371

UID: BCI:BCI198885053872

Plants View All 3 Datasets
Genus Species Data Points
Ocimum sanctum 10
Salvia aegyptiaca 5
Salvia aegyptiaca 10