Exploring Phylogenetic Relationships between Hundreds of Plant Fatty Acids Synthesized by Thousands of Plants.
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2 samples of hexane-extracted papaya seeds produced in Somalia were analysed and the chemical and physico-chemical characteristics, AOM test results, fatty acid composition, UV analysis, average composition of unsaponifiables, and % composition of hydrocarbons, tocopherols, terpenic alcohols and sterols are tabulated. The oils had fairly high polyphenol content (2.5 p.p.m.), excellent oxidation stability, 0.4% phosphatides, 10.0 and 10.6 mg/100 ml carotenoids, and contained 73% oleic, 16% palmitic, 5.5% stearic and 3.9% linoleic acid. The major part of the unsaponifiables were aliphatic and terpenic alcohols. The quantitative differences between the 2 samples were negligible, though the results differ from published data.
Authors: Strocchi, A.; Lercker, G.; Bonaga, G.; Maye, A.
Journal: Rivista Italiana delle Sostanze Grasse
Year: 1977
Volume: 54
Page: 429-431
UID: FSTA:1978-03-N-0099