Exploring Phylogenetic Relationships between Hundreds of Plant Fatty Acids Synthesized by Thousands of Plants. more details ...
Abstract The fatty acid composition of oils from seeds of Myoporum apiculatum, M. montanum and M. tetrandrum (Myoporaceae), Patersonia lanata (Iridaceae), Stenophyllus longifolius (Cyperaceae), Scholtzia oligandra and S. laxiflora (Myrtaceae), Styphelia aff. pulchella (Epacridaceae), Tetragonia decumbens (Tetragoniaceae), Trachymene aniscocarpa (Umbelliferae) and Xanthorrhoea australis and X. quadrangulata (Xanthorrhoeaceae) are reported. The protein and ash contents of the different seeds are also reported. Some of these plants are used in indigenous medicine, while others are cultivated as ornamentals.

Authors: Rao, K. S.; Singh, K.

Journal: Journal of the Oil Technologists' Association of India

Year: 1990

Volume: 22

Page: 56-57

UID: CABI:19920311702

Plants View All 3 Datasets
Genus Species Data Points
Myoporum apiculatum 10
Myoporum montanum 8
Myoporum tetrandrum 8