Exploring Phylogenetic Relationships between Hundreds of Plant Fatty Acids Synthesized by Thousands of Plants. more details ...
Abstract The seed oil of Voacanga Stapf. (Apocynaceae) used in the pharmaceutical industry for extraction of tabersonine was analysed. Results for crude oil and after extraction of the alkaloid, shown graphically and in tables, give data on the main physical and chemical characteristics UV, visible and IR spectra, fatty acid, sterol, triterpene and aliphatic alcohol composition. The most interesting feature is the similarity of its lipid composition with the exception of stearic acid concn. (17.2% palmitic, 8.4% stearic, 50.5% oleic, 22.2% linoleic acid; 30% campesterol, 23% stigmasterol, 41% beta-sitosterol; 24-29% butyrospermol) with that of Tunisian olive oil. While there is no evidence against its food use, it requires toxicological study. Analytical distinction of voacanga from Tunisian olive oil includes the % stearic acid, Bellier index, Pavolini reaction, sterol and triterpene alcohol composition.

Authors: Paganuzzi, V.

Journal: Rivista Italiana delle Sostanze Grasse

Year: 1977

Volume: 54

Page: 274-283

UID: FSTA:1978-01-N-0016

Genus Species Data Points
Voacanga sp. 12
SOFA Table(s)