Exploring Phylogenetic Relationships between Hundreds of Plant Fatty Acids Synthesized by Thousands of Plants.
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Black currant ( Ribes nigrum) seed oil had triglycerides 77 and non-saponifiable fraction 1 to 1.2%. More than 90% of fatty acids were unsaturated. alpha- and gamma-linolenic acids were 10 to 15 and stearidonic acid was 3 to 4% of total fatty acids. Composition of the non-saponifiable was qualitatively similar to other vegetable oils. gamma-, delta- and alpha-tocopherols were 82.5, 7.9 and 6.2% of total tocopherols. Alcohol fractions had phytol 40.2, triterpenic alcohols 46.1 and linear alcohols 8.6%. Sitosterol, campesterol and Delta 5-avenasterol were 85.4, 7.2 and 3.0% of sterols.
Authors: Lercker, G.; Cocchi, M.; Turchetto, E.
Journal: Rivista Italiana delle Sostanze Grasse
Year: 1988
Volume: 65
Page: 1-6
UID: CABI:19881408615