Exploring Phylogenetic Relationships between Hundreds of Plant Fatty Acids Synthesized by Thousands of Plants.
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Pomegranate seed oil forming approximately 15% of the seeds, enjoys very high refractive index and iodine value, with very low melting point. Spectrometric examination suggested presence of conjugation. Gas chromatographic analysis showed that 8% of its fatty acids were saturated, 10% monounsaturated, 10% diunsaturated and approximately 70% conjugated acid, most probably punicic acid. The oil properties places it in the industrially important group of drying oils.
Authors: El-Shaarawy, M. I.; Nahapetian, A.
Journal: Fette, Seifen, Anstrichmittel
Year: 1983
Volume: 85
Page: 123-126
UID: WOS:A1983QK39600007