Exploring Phylogenetic Relationships between Hundreds of Plant Fatty Acids Synthesized by Thousands of Plants. more details ...
Abstract The seed oil of Cardiospermumhalicacabum L., family Sapindaceae, was found to have 11-eicosenoic acid as the major fatty acid in its glycerides. In this respect it is unique among the true natural fats. The amount of eicosenoic acid in the sample examined was 42% of the total long-chain fatty acids. The identity and amounts of the principal fatty acids of the oil were determined by gas chromatography and by distillation of the methyl esters. The estimated percentages were: palmitic 3, linolenic 8, linoleic 8, oleic 22, stearic 2, eicosenoic 42, arachidic 10. In addition, there was evidence of small proportions (1–2%) of a low-molecular-weight acid and of C22 acids.

Authors: Chisholm, M. J.; Hopkins, C. Y.

Journal: Canadian Journal of Chemistry-Revue Canadienne De Chimie

Year: 1958

Volume: 36

Page: 1537-1540

UID: WOS:A1958WN50200011

DOI: 10.1139/v58-224

Genus Species Data Points
Delphinium hybridum 1
SOFA Table(s)