Exploring Phylogenetic Relationships between Hundreds of Plant Fatty Acids Synthesized by Thousands of Plants. more details ...
Abstract The seed oil of M. concanensis has been investigated. The fatty acids were fractionated by the urea adduct formation method. The components acids found were: lignoceric 1.93, behenic 7.83, arachidic 5.18, stearic 10.6, palmitic 9.57, linoleic 0.72, and oleic 64.4%. The unsaponifiable matter was found to contain β-sitosterol

Authors: Tandon, Sant P.; Chauhan, J. S.; Tiwari, K. P.

Journal: Indian Oil and Soap Journal

Year: 1968

Volume: 34

Page: 65-9

UID: CFTRI:12728

Genus Species Data Points
Moringa concanensis 7
SOFA Table(s)