Exploring Phylogenetic Relationships between Hundreds of Plant Fatty Acids Synthesized by Thousands of Plants.
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Fatty acids from the oil obtained from the seeds of P. regia are: palmitic 0.42, stearic 16.63, oleic 31.42, linoleic 51.53%. The glyceride compn. of the fat as detd. by the acetone-permanganate method is: trisatd. glycerides traces, disatd. monounsatd. 15.1, monosatd. diunsatd. 21, and triunsatd. 63.9%.
Authors: Murthy, N. L., Narayana; Iyer, B. H.
Journal: Journal of the Indian Institute of Science
Year: 1954
Volume: 36
Page: 155-9
UID: CFTRI:12047