Exploring Phylogenetic Relationships between Hundreds of Plant Fatty Acids Synthesized by Thousands of Plants. more details ...
Abstract Removal of volatile oils with steam from the dried seeds followed by CCl4 extn. of the residue yielded 4% fixed oil of a pale greenish yellow color with a nutty flavor. Purification by chromatographing over alumina gave a yellow oil. The crude and purified fixed oils had the following phys. and chem. characteristics, resp.: n26D 1.4715, n25D 1.4710; d2626 0.9320, d2525 0.9376; acid no. 31.98, nil; sapon. no. 209.00, 212.20; I no. (Wijs') 90.60, 89.70; Hehner no. 88.5, 91.85% [α] (CHCl3) nil, nil; Reichert-Meissl no. 11.12, -; Polensk´e no. 1.45, -; acetyl no. 8.8, -; unsaponifiable matter 5.87%, nil. The mixed fatty acids (83%) of the crude fixed oil contained caprylic and caproic 0.3, palmitic 8.4, stearic 18.3, oleic 62.6, and linoleic acids 10.5%. The glyceride-type distribution of the oil, as detd. by Kartha's method (C.A. 37, 6592i), were as follows: GS3 0.60, GS2U 23.42, GSU2 43.84, and GU3 32.10. The unsaponifiable matter gave a pos. Lieberman-Burchard test for sterols. The sterol is probably β-sitosterol as its digitonide, m. 136-7°, acetyl deriv., m. 126-7°

Authors: Kasturi T. R. and Iyer B. H.

Journal: Journal of the Indian Institute of Science

Year: 1955

Volume: 37A

Page: 106-12

UID: CFTRI:11547

Genus Species Data Points
Elettaria cardamomum 1
SOFA Table(s)