Michigan State University
Explore relationships between unusual FA structures and plants that produce them.
Structure images and info for >400 FA. Click Name to see species that produce a FA, publications, and data. Click 'Tree' to display phylogentic distribution of a FA
FA analysis for > 7000 plants. Click on species for graphs of FA composition, oil content, and links to publications and individual data sets.
Phylogenetic Trees
The initial Tree page http://plantfadb.org/tree presents the number of FA composition datapoints that are associated with ALL publications in PlantFAdb. Click on a node to move to Family, Genus and species.
The occurrence of a fatty acid structure in different plant species is displayed on a phylogenetic tree. The abundance (e.g. wt %) is indicated on the axis.
Example: Ricinoleic : http://plantfadb.org/tree?measure_id=10274
Compiled analytical data Example: Sesamum indicum : http://plantfadb.org/plants/10019
Fatty acid compositions and other acyl lipid parameters for each plant species have been compiled from multiple publications on a single page in graphical form.
PlantFAdb (previously PhyloFAdb) provides updates and enhancements to the Seed Oil Fatty Acid (SOFA) database at the Max Rubner-Institute (http://sofa.mri.bund.de/).
Matthäus, B. (2012), The new database Seed Oil Fatty Acids (SOFA). Lipid Technology, 24: 230–234.