Exploring Phylogenetic Relationships between Hundreds of Plant Fatty Acids Synthesized by Thousands of Plants. more details ...
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Han, Jae Sook 1978 A Study on Sterol in Perilla Frutescens Yongnam Taehakkyo Nonmunjip, Chayon Kwhak Pyon 11 211-215 PFA:11207 0
Lago, R. C. A., Pereira, D. A., Passos, P. R. A., Rocha, A. N. F., Jablonka, F. H., & Szpiz, R. R. 1991 Triacilgliceros de oleo de Amendoa de Macauba Cient. Tecnol. Aliment 11 66-79 PFA:11693 4
Reddy, G. Sivarama; Rao, S. Jaganmohan; Ramayya, D. Atchyuta; Azeemoddin, G.; Rao, S. D. Thirumala; Devi, K. Sita; Pantulu, A. J.; Lakshminarayana, G. 1979 Extraction, characteristics, fatty acid composition of tamarind kernel oil Journal of the Oil Technologists' Association of India (Mumbai, India) 11 91-3 CFTRI:12380 9
Rao, K. V. S. A.; Lakshiminarayana, G. 1979 Analysis of teak (Tectona grandis) seeds and oil Journal of the Oil Technologists' Association of India (Mumbai, India) 11 47-8 CFTRI:12682 8
Toshisada Shimadate, Teruhiko Iino, and Yoshino Hosoyama 1976 Cyclopropenoid Fatty Acids from the Seed Oil of Firmiana platanifolia Schott. et Endl. Nippon Daigaku Bunrigakubu Shizen Kogaku Kenkyusho Kenkykiyo 11 33 PFA:12768 2
Wentzel, C. 1987 Neuere Studien uber die Fettsaurezusammensetzung steirischer Kurbiskernole Ernaehrung 11 752-755 PFA:12998 3
Smith, C.R. 1971 Occurrence of unusual fatty acids in plants Progress in the Chemistry of Fats and other Lipids 11 137-177 10.1016/0079-6832(71)90005-X FSTA:1971-10-N-0481 1
Badami, R. C.; Shivamurthy, S. C.; Joshi, M. S.; Patil, K. B.; Subba Rao, Y. V.; Sastri, G. S. R.; Viswanatha Rao, G. K. 1979 Characterisation of fifteen varieties of genotype peanuts for yield, oil content and fatty acid composition Journal of the Oil Technologists' Association of India 11 85-87 FSTA:1981-01-J-0042 26
Peters, R. A.; Hall, R. J. 1960 The toxicity to rabbits and some other animals of the fluorofatty acid present in the seeds of Dichapetalum toxicarium Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 11 608-12 10.1002/jsfa.2740111011 CABI:19610700268 1
Bohannon, M. B.; Kleiman, R. 1976 γ-Linolenic acid in Acer seed oils Lipids 11 157-159 10.1007/BF02532667 WOS:A1976BG97800012 343
Heimermann, W. H.; Holman, R. T. 1972 Highly optically active triglycerides of Sebastiana ligustrina and related species Phytochemistry 11 799-802 10.1016/0031-9422(72)80050-5 WOS:A1972L344700050 5
Jamieson, G. R.; Reid, E. H. 1972 The leaf lipids of some conifer species Phytochemistry 11 269-275 10.1016/S0031-9422(00)90002-5 WOS:A1972L074300042 658
Kushwaha, S. C.; Kates, M.; Kramer, J. K. G.; Subden, R. E. 1976 Lipid composition of Neurospora crassa Lipids 11 778-780 10.1007/BF02533055 WOS:A1976CJ69000013 64
Mastebroek, H. D.; Marvin, H. J. P. 2000 Breeding prospects of Lunaria annua L Industrial Crops and Products 11 139-143 10.1016/S0926-6690(99)00056-4 WOS:000086358300007 3
Rajiah, A.; Subbaram, M. R.; Achaya, K. T. 1976 Contribution towards the glyceride structure of kamala seed oil Lipids 11 87-92 10.1007/BF02532656 WOS:A1976BG97800001 5
Scrimgeour, C. M. 1976 Fatty acids of the seed oils of alpine Cruciferae and other alpine species Lipids 11 877-879 10.1007/BF02532996 WOS:A1976CT24200011 152
Holman, R. T.; Nichols, P. C. 1972 Characterization of the lipids of some orchids Phytochemistry 11 333-337 10.1016/S0031-9422(00)90011-6 WOS:A1972L074300051 114
Thomas, A. 1976 Not found? Fette und Oele; 4. Auflage; Verlag Chemie; Weinheim 11 None PFA:12750 36
LIU Shi-biao, CHEN Pei-pei, YI Chun-hua, LIU Zhu-xiang, CAI Shi-jian, CHEN Gong-xi 2008 棕榈树种仁油的超临界CO_2流体萃取及GC_MS分析_刘世彪 . Supercritical CO2 Fluid Extraction of Trachycarpus fortunei Seed Oil and GC-MS Analysis Food Science 11 344-347 10.3321/j.issn:1002-6630.2008.11.078 NWSUAF952 18
Selma 􏰿. Uras G􏱀ngör, Ahmet 􏱁lçim, Gamze Kökdil 2017 A Comparison of Diosgenin, Phenolics, Fatty Acid Profiles and Mineral Contents with Free Radical Scavenging Activity of Trigonella L. Species from Section Cylindricae Records of Natural Products 11 17-30 N/A 116
ZHANG Yan; GONG De-yong; ZENG Song; LI Bo 2011 贵州省续随子新品系种子含油量及其脂肪酸组成分析—张燕(GC) . Analysis on Seed Oil Content and Fatty Acid Composition of New Varieties Euphorbia Lathyris L.in Guizhou Province Modern Agricultural Science and Technology (11) 19-20 10.3969/j.issn.1007-5739.2011.11.005 NWSUAF296 7
Longbo Tan 2009 气相色谱法测定麻疯树生物柴油中脂肪酸甲酯含量 . Determination of the FAME Content of Biodiesel from Jatropha curcas L. by Gas-Chromatography GUANGXI JOURNAL OF LIGHT INDUSTRY (11) 6-7 10.3969/j.issn.1003-2673.2009.11.004 NWSUAF543 5
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Fang Qinian; Yang Zheng; Wang Qun 1989 微孔草种子油中脂肪酸组成的分析 GC-MS . THE ANALYSIS OF FATTY ACIDS IN SEED OIL OF MICROULA SIKKIMENSIS Acta Nutrimenta Sinica 11(1) 13-16 10.13325/j.cnki.acta.nutr.sin.1989.01.003 NWSUAF699 0
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Kapoor, Naveen; Bedi, K. L.; Atal, C. K. 1979 Study of Indian seed oils. X. Component fatty acids of some lesser-known seed oils Journal of the Oil Technologists' Association of India (Mumbai, India) 11(2) 40-1 CFTRI:11532 4
Wang Tianen; Chen Xingliang 1994 刺梨种子油中的脂肪酸成分GC-MS . Fatty Acids, from The Seed Oil of Rosa Roxburghii Tratt Journal of Guizhou University 11(2) 116-119 NWSUAF203 28
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Shi Dongqiao; Zhou Yihua; Zhang Lihua; Liu Guizhen; Chen Zhenghua  2001 农杆菌介导的油菜脂肪酸调控基因工程研究_石东乔 . Research on Genetic Manipulation of Fatty Acids in Brassica napus L.via Agrobacterium Infection HIGH TECHNOLOGY LETTERS 11(2) 1-7 10.3321/j.issn:1002-0470.2001.02.001 NWSUAF514 5
Jinguang Li; Jiarui Li 1991 三叶木通果实生物学特性及营养成分的研究 GC . Studies on Biological Characteristics and Nutrients of fruit in three-leaf akebia Guihaia 11(2) 189-192 NWSUAF583 5
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Knothe, Gerhard; Rashid, Umer; Yusup, Suzana; Anwar, Farooq 2011 Fatty acids of Thespesia populnea: Mass spectrometry of picolinyl esters of cyclopropene fatty acids European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 113 980-984 10.1002/ejlt.201100004 12
Hu Xinghua; Li Guobin; Cai Aihua; Wei Xiao; Jiang Shuiyuan  2004 栝楼属三种栝楼种子的营养分析 . Nutritional Components Analysis of Three Kinds of Trichosanthes Seeds GUANGXI SCIENCES 11(3) 266-268, 272 10.3969/j.issn.1005-9164.2004.03.026 NWSUAF411 35
Jain, P. P.; Dobhal, N. P.; Pal, R.; Ayyar, K. S. 1988 CHEMICAL STUDIES ON OILSEEDS OF FOREST ORIGIN Indian Forester 114 158-162 BCI:BCI198886123947 1
Jain, P. P.; Dobhal, N. P.; Ayyar, K. S. 1988 CHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF OLEA-DIOICA ROXB. SEED OIL Indian Forester 114 882-883 BCI:BCI198988072477 6
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WANG Chengtian; ZHANG Xuejie; LI Fazeng; CHENG Chuan 2002 牛蒡籽油中脂肪酸成分的气相色谱质谱联用分析_王程田 . Analysis of fatty acid in Arctium lappa L.seed oil by GC-MS JOURNAL OF PLANT RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENT 11(4) 58-59 10.3969/j.issn.1674-7895.2002.04.014 NWSUAF513 14
Jain, P. P.; Dobhal, N. P.; Sethi, R. P.; Ayyar, K. S. 1989 CHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION OF ALBIZIA-PROCERA BENTH. SEED OIL Indian Forester 115 180-182 BCI:BCI198988118740 6
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YIN Ning-ning; ZHAO Tai-ji; MA Tian-bo; ZHENG Yan-qing 2000 麻柳果脂肪油中脂肪酸成分研究_尹宁宁 . The Constituents of Fatty Acid from Fruit of Pterocarya stenoptera DC. LISHIZHEN MEDICINE AND MATERIA MEDICA RESEARCH 11(6) 10.3969/j.issn.1008-0805.2000.06.001 NWSUAF454 11
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El Kharrassi, Youssef; Maata, Nadia; Mazri, Mouaad Amine; El Kamouni, Soufiane; Talbi, Meryem; El Kebbaj, Riad; Moustaid, Khadija; Essamadi, Abdel Khalid; Andreoletti, Pierre; El Mzouri, El Houssine; Cherkaoui-Malki, Mustapha; Nasser, Boubker 2017 Chemical and phytochemical characterizations of argan oil (Argania spinosa L. skeels), olive oil (Olea europaea L. cv. Moroccan picholine), cactus pear (Opuntia megacantha salm-dyck) seed oil and cactus cladode essential oil Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization 12 747-754 10.1007/s11694-017-9688-x 24
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